
How to support the Trust's activities.


Remember the activities of the Trust regularly in personal prayers and within your church community. A regular monthly email update is available from the Trust. Please contact hopebethlehem@btinternet.com to be put on the list for a regular prayer bulletin.

Most of all please pray for and end to this horrific war.Innocent lives are being lost and the people of Gaza are suffering.



Donations for the general work of the Trust or to specific aspects of the Trust's ministry can be made by cheque to The Hope Christian Trust, 2 Orchard Court,Claverham,Bristol,BS49 4TB.

Many people have set up regular direct debit gifts through their bank for the Trust. For the Trust's bank details please contact  hopebethlehem@btinternet.com


See below our information about giving via the secure internet site give.net 



regular committed giving

Some sponsor children at the Lighthouse School in Gaza.

For sponsors to receive details of a child contact hopebethlehem@btinternet.com to begin sponsorship.


"All those giving are encouraged to send a note to the Trust ,to indicate that they wish their donation to be Gift Aided.

This will add over 25% to the total - wonderful!"



Contact the Trust to arrange a special meeting and a power point presentation on the work of the Trust. Arrange a special coffee morning to support the Trust. at special times, particularly at Christmas, arrange for a special service or carols and for gifts to come to the Trust. Arrange a sponsored walk or other event for the Trust. Trustees are prepared to travel and visit and from time to time those involved in the West Bank are available to speak too when in the UK.



Visit the Land and see the sites and the stones but also meet the "Living Stones" - the Christian community in the land. Contact the Trust for tours which are arranged  incorporating visits to some of the ministries in which the Trust is involved. Study courses are also arranged through Bethlehem Bible College or St George's College in Jerusalem and through the Holy Land Trust. Visiting is such an encouragement to the Christian community. Contact the Trust for information of these special tours.


if you wish to give to the Trust via the web

click on Donate for more information.








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