SpanglefishHighland Zen Group - soto zen buddhism in Inverness | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 24/06/2014.


You may find the following links useful:

The Order of Buddhist Contemplatives website contains information about the Order and it's affiliated monasteries, priories and meditation groups.

The Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey  website contains useful information about the Serene Reflection Meditation tradition and has a range of useful dharma articles and on-line talks to download for free. There is also an online shop where you can purchase buddhist books and meditation supplies.

Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey is a Soto Zen Monastery in Northumberland which is home to a group of monks (both male and female) and which offers a number of retreats throughout the year for lay trainees. See the retreat calendar on their website for details.


The Highland Zen Group is one path of Buddhism offered in and around Inverness. The area also benefits from several others. Kagyu Samye Dzong is a Buddhist Group practicing in the Tibetan Kagyu tradition and is affiliated to Samye Ling monastery in Eskdalemuir in the Scottish borders. There is also a western style Buddhist organisation called the Tri Ratna Buddhist Conmmunity in Inverness and a Community of Interbeing group affilliated to Thich Nhat Hahn which is based in Cromarty.


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