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Yew Tree School
Hi to all 'Old Yewtonians' out there. If you attended Yew Tree between 1936 t0 1986 then you will be interested in my facebook group 'YEW TREE HIGH - MANCHESTER.' 1000s of members, 1000,s of photographs and cine film. Please feel free to join. Our oldest member is Philip Bull who 94 and attended Yew Tree Central in the late 1930s. All welcome. Regards Stephen Morrin.
Posted by Stephen Morrin on 02 December 2020
Yew Tree School
I loved reading your account of Yew Tree School as i attended around these years. My twin was in the non selective side and I was in the selective! I had passed the 11+ exam .We had to stay another year at Rack house School because our birthday was in October.,My twin lives in Australia. I still reside in. Northenden.
Posted by Nadine Ibe (Smith) on 07 April 2020
Manchester/Yew Tree
I have just read all your articles and WOW! Its like reading my Autobiography!
I was 12 months behind you at you tree school. Remember Mr Smith, was taught by Mr Leonard. Regular at the Locarno, the Bodega ABC Minors. Thank you! Bringing back so many wonderful memories. I lived in Wythenshawe but one of my first girlfriends was Beryl Smith she lived in Northenden!
I attended Yew Tree from !949 to 1954. First form teache Mr Lopez' then Mr Pearson finally Mr Wolvestone. and then virtually mirrored your social experiences. Thank for your great article
Posted by George Lang on 10 June 2019
I was born in Sale. Left in 1960 for California as a Nanny. Went to the Locarno on Saturdays had a great time. I went to Woodbourne Primary and then Cecil Avenue Secondry School for Girls. I don't remember Yew Tree. Take care Wendy
Posted by Wendy Nichols on 24 June 2020
Rod I was born Ellsmeer st 1941 went to Basley Rd then on Yew Tree Where did you live .?
Mr Dads name is on War Memorial H Jones MM a son of Northenden.
Posted by Tony Jones on 07 June 2019
Yew tree
Wasnt Yew Tree called Yew Tree Central around that time ? Was it a central school for a while? I've seen it called that in a few places and my Dad referred to it as Yew Tree Central
Posted by Davies on 14 December 2018
Yew Tree & Locarno
Posted on 11 December 2018
Mum's memories
Posted on 01 July 2017
Bodega and Sale locarno
Posted on 12 January 2017
Saturday nights
Posted on 29 July 2015
The Bodega
Posted on 30 October 2013
reply to George
Posted on 10 January 2013
my writing
Posted on 28 July 2012
mail me
Posted on 07 November 2011
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