April One Day Workshop 2025
Booking form is at the end, after Gelli Printing or it is separate on the menu.
Bird Feeder & Living Wreaths -Sally Demeur
Have fun making two wreaths this year. Both giving you hours of enjoyment. Firstly make a living wreath, using a variety of natural materials, after which we will make a bird feeder wreath so you can sit back and watch a variety of birds who will love this wreath. £10 to be paid on the day to the tutor for materials , for both wreaths. Please be aware that materials will include nuts , seeds and foods that birds enjoy eating but may not be appropriate for those who have food allergies. Please bring your own secateurs .

Please bring your own packed Lunch and a mug. Tea/ Coffee/Biscuits/Cakes provided. Also cash for The Marketplace , raffle and tutor materials. Raffle prizes gratefully received.
Oil Painting Basics and beyond— Jackie Cox Sorry course cancelled due to unforseen circumstances.
A day of exploring the different ways we can apply oil paints. We'll be working towards creating a beautiful autumn/winter scene whilst learning about traditional and water based oil paints, colour mixing and using techniques such as impasto, glazing and sgraffito that once learned can be used with other art mediums. All materials can be provided for a small charge, but bring along oil paints and brushes, if you have them.

Traditional Canal Boat Art– Honor Campbell
Join me and learn how to paint canal roses using traditional canal art design. These roses were used to decorate many canal boats on our waterways. We will practice the brush strokes while the base coats on our coasters are drying. Once learnt these images can be used on a variety of materials and objects. The design will be painted on MDF using acrylic paint. Please bring an apron or wear old clothes. £5 payable for materials to the tutor on the day.

Atmospheric Landscapes in Acrylic—Jackie Garner
Landscapes are often more atmospheric when more imaginative and less defined. This workshop will explore creating landscapes from imagination, memory and “happy accidents”. We will begin with washes of colour, and use texture, line, stippling, printing, spatter and other techniques to add definition and interest. Suitable for beginners, as well as more experienced painters. Charge for any tutor materials used., payable on the day.

Shaker boxes –Steve Carpenter Sorry course is fully booked. Steve is tutoring 3 Shaker box courses at Summer School 2025, at Newent School, 28th July- 1st August. Brochures and online out end of March.
You will be making oval Shaker boxes, a traditional object used to store dry goods. You will learn how to safely use hand and power tools to shape the wood and bend it into an oval shape, securing it using copper tacks and wooden pegs. The box you take home will need drying time of a few days, before applying a finish. £15 per box, payable to tutor on the day.

Please bring your own packed Lunch and a mug. Tea/ Coffee/Biscuits/Cakes provided. Also cash for The Marketplace , raffle and tutor materials. Raffle prizes gratefully received.
Needlefelted Egg Decorations—Jackie Ginley
In this class we will learn how to needlefelt a small scene into a decoration. We will be using a polystrene egg as a base, and pre-felts and wool roving for decoration. We will explore the different properties and effects that can be created from the pre-felts and wool roving. Clarice Cliff and Thomas Kincade are inspiration for my scenes. I have various designs that you can use for inspiration or you are welcome to bring along your own . Materials are £6 to include a needle payable to the tutor on the day. Extra needles are 50p each.

Gelli Plate Printing on card, paper & fabric—Nigel Ginley
Gelli Plate printing is a unique method of mixed media art/craft printing. After applying paint to the plate with a brayer unique and amazing images and patterns can easily be created using a variety of tools, stencils, sponges, feathers and much more. The possibilities are endless! We will learn how to make texture "plates" and foam tools to use. You will take away a wonderful array of printed images to enjoy and amaze your friends. Suitable for all abilities. Materials cost is £10-£12 payable to the tutor on the day.

Booking form- please note , this form cannot be filled in online. It can be copied into another document and filled in manually or using the headings can be emailed to Sue.
GACG ONE DAY WORKSHOP - 5th April 2025 for adults
Name ………………………………Address: …………………………………
Tel. No:…………………………Course………………………….............
Email ( please print)……………………………………………………………………………..
Access requirements:…………………… GAC membership number:……………
Price £45 non-member £40 member
Co-ordinator Sue Cheviot, 46 Sussex Gardens, Hucclecote, Gloucester . Gl3 3ST
Tel. 07925 806 602 email : demonsc@hotmail.co.uk
How to book Either i) copy and complete this booking form and send it with a cheque payable to Gloucester Arts and Crafts Group, to Sue above, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope.
Or ii) send booking form details to Sue by email and pay by Bank transfer to: Glos arts & crafts, Natwest bank, Account number 69003009, Sort code 60-09-02. Use reference ODW25 and your name as it appears on the booking form.
Ring Sue if you have any queries.