SpanglefishForfar Bowling Club | sitemap | log in
The Forfar Bowling Club was instituted on 13th May 1859.
The original green was situated at Kirkton, which is between  the British Legion and the Abbeygate Filling Station.  
The green was opened on 15th May 1859 providing 3 rinks for 18 members. In 1862 the annual subscriptions were 2s 6d but a year later had increased threefold to 7s 6d. Around this time members looked to the Dundee and Broughty Ferry Bowling clubs for help in drawing up rules and regulations.
In 1869 the club had moved to a new green just off the Vennel and close to the swimming baths, formerly occupied by Don and Low. The new green was opened on 2nd June 1869 with a match between married and single members.
In 1872 due to favourable state of funds the subscriptions were reduced to 15s. By 1873 the membership had risen to 47 and it was decided to get a suitable box with ball to assist with voting. 1874 saw the fees further reduced to 10s 6d, rosy times back then or good bar profit.
In 1893 the green was in the way of development works by Don and Low to create the St.James Works. Agreement was reached that Messrs Don and Low would construct a new green at Dovecot Croft, Melbourne Place and would simply swap greens.
The present green was opened for play on 12th May 1894, with lady friends invited. President John F.Craik generously provided refreshments for all players and visitors which included catering by Saddler's the bakery.
By 1896 the Reid Park Bowling Club had opened and in 1907 the club was invited to send a rink for the opening of the new Canmore green on August 3rd.
By 1935 the membership was limited to 100. 1936 was the year the club joined the SBA. In 1944 a rule for Honorary Life Membership was introduced and a rule for substitutes in matches was sought.
1959 was centenary year and a week was set-aside for matches against the SBA, ABA, Forfar West End, Canmore, Reid Park and Reid Park Half Holiday. Forfar Town Council also hosted a civic reception on the occasion. This was given 2 years ago to mark our 150th celebrations.
During 1963 some members had ideas of holding an Open Bowling Tornament and after a meeting at the Canmore Club on 3rd Febuary 1964 the Forfar Open Tournament was established and is still going strong.
March 1967 saw the opening of an extention to the clubhouse at a cost of £3000. In 1974 the green was in a poor state and all matches were played away from home which meant bar takings were down and the fees up.
In 1982 the Ladies Section was formed with the late          Jean Breckenridge as president. By 1984 the ladies had taken over the catering arrangements for friendly games. By 1985 a further clubhouse extension was opened which included a lounge area, bar and kitchen. 1994 saw a further extension which included new lockers, committee room and more storage facilities and most importantly a new roof.
Jim Allison was now an Honorary President of the club and was S.B.A. President in 1986 and President of the International Bowling Board in 1984 and 1986.
Laurie Brown was the first member to bring national honour to the club gaining his first cap in 1964 and further caps in 1965, 1966 and 1967. Mark Small was also capped in 1992 and 1993.
Indoor caps, although slightly different, are still worthy of a mention and have been gained by Laurie Brown,
Jim Allison, Alan Small, Ed Lee and Jack Small.


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