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Forest Loch and Mountain

The name is 'borrowed' from Murray Scott, who was once Warden of Glenmore Lodge. Robyn Murray, Affleck Gray, Ernie Cross are also names which spring to mind; just a few of many men like him who have looked upon the wild and remote beauty of Loch Morlich, Glenmore Forest and the northern Cairngorms with wondering eyes.

Many, like them, have felt moved to put down on paper their reaction to this idyllic landscape, using either a paintbrush or a pen to set down their thoughts.

I dare not even begin to compare myself with these legends, but, like them, I have trodden these pathways joyfully, and in the company of many people, from different countries and different ways of life.

Think of these booklets, if you will, not as purely guide books, but as some of the stories that I might tell to you if I took you on these walks. 

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