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Plastic Ocean

by Tania - 21:51 on 05 September 2018

I have been working away steadily since January this year 2018 towards making work for a new exhibition called Plastic Ocean, with a similer theme as the Sea of Oil and Trees had. Back in 2012, it was not much in the public eye about how much plastic was damaging the Oceans, and I felt at the time like I was shouting into the wind! Suddenly in 2018, we have a surge of public interest and awareness, due to the showing of Blue Planet on the main stream media. So I decided the next 'Tears for the Earth' Show should carry on with this theme to keep the awareness going.

And so my studio has been filling up with plastic bottles, bags,packaging and other plastic waste, which I have been turning into another aquarium type installation. So far I reckon Ive made over 150 fish, about 30 jelly fish and 50 assorted sea 'enemys'! some of my fish even swam off to henley on Thames for a week! for a 'War against Plastic' exhibition there.

Come along to the show to see all the creatures yourself! I am doing the show with 8 other artists friends, who also have made great environmental art pieces.

Plastic Ocean is at DC3, 1-5 Seaside, Eastbourne, East Sussex,

from 18th to 23rd September.

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