Frequently Asked Questions
- Where do I find ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS and REFERENCES to sources used ?
Online sources are acknowledge by including links to websites used. These can be found at the end of each section.
Sources from printed publications are acknowledged within the text.
Direct quotations are shown in italics.- What COPYRIGHT is entailed?
The articles and features here are not presented as authoritive, but aimed at encouraging readers to explore West Dunbartonshire more. This is free to resuse with suitable accreditation.
However various sources have been used for its compilation. These are in italics if quoted directly and given as links at the end of each section. If anything quoted within the discussion text is reused, care is needed to ensure that the original source is accredited.
Some illustrations such as maps and aerial photographs are reproduced here with appropiate permissions. Details are provided in each instance. It is essential that any further reuse of such material also be according to their terms.
- Are PHOTOGRAPHS copyright?
All current or recent photographs used on this website are by Jeremy Watson unless otherwise indicated.
Copyright is asserted on all of these photographs, but they can be copied and used for any purposed as long as that is not commercial. All that is asked is that they are acknowledged when reused. This can be done by reference to this website.
Commercial use of photographs can be negotiated.
Historic photographs or those from other sources are acknowledged within the text where known. Many are within the public domain, but may have copyright conditions. In this website maps and images from the National Library of Scotland (NLS) and National Collection of Aerial Photography (NCAP) have been used here within the terms for a non-commercial website. "©" indicates that any further use of these needs to conform to the specific archive terms. Those terms need to be checked directly with the specific source.
- Who OWNS this website?
This website has been instigated and is managed by Jeremy Watson. It is considered a community service and anyone is welcome to comment on and contribute to it. While a private initiative, it is closely associated with the Lennox Heritage Society with which I am very involved and with the Doors Open Day programmes held locally every two years which I organise.
- WHAT are those 3 WORDS at the top of each page?
This website utilises the what3words app.
As this website progesses, what3words references will be converted to live web-links and you simply need to press the reference to be taken to the actual location on the what3words website map.
For all others, simply log into the what3words website as below and then paste in the 3 words. You will be shown almost exactly where the place is. Try both map and birds eye views for best information.
This is a website / app that everyone should have on their smartphone. It is excellent as a reference for where you are at any one time and quoting the words that come up can be used to direct friends or rescue vehicles.
You are welcome to print out pages from this website for reference as long as you acknowledge the author and oringal sources should you reuse them.
To successfully print to pdf, go to the page required; place your cursor in the text and press select ctrl + P. Then select the pdf option or connect to your printer.
As noted above, images are mainly my own and if copied need to be acknowledged as such. For all others including maps, check the original source in the acknowledgements at the end of the page.
To select an image, place your cursor on it, highlight it and then select save as from where you can save it to another source or printing.