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CAPERCAILLE Information Boards Project 2016

The aim of this project was to encourage walkers to stay on the footpaths and dog owners to keep them on leads during the capercaille breeding season in Aldie Burn Woods, Tain, Ross-shire because their nests were failing.

This project was a partnership with Rogart Primary School, Sutherland and The Forestry Commission Scotland.



- the pupils studied the ecology of capercaillies and why their nests were failing

- I brought in a large collaged story board that had images of capercaille nests and chicks as well as "Keep your dog on a lead!" signs and other "Don't do this!" notices

- they then devised a plan to ask the woodland walk users to stay on the paths and keep their dogs on lead through interpretive boards that were friendly, informative and not preachy

- we then listed lots of capercaille facts, brainstormed rhyming slogans for the board titles and did lots of caper drawings 

- I then used their words and images to create paper life-sized drafts that the pupils helped me design, made a few minor ammendments to and approved.

- the pupils then very carefully helped me to paint the boards

- the pupils spent a day in Aldie Burn Woods with The Forestry Commision and to site

and erect their capercaille boards


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