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At present some of my work is on show at the Torridon Community Centre Gallery and at Gallery 49 in Cromarty. Paintings  of mine have also been on showin 2023  at the WASPS hub, in the former Inverness Royal Academy building, Midmills, where I have been attending workshops  tutored by Kenneth le Riche.  The ASI exhibition in July was also held there.

With other Redcastle Art Group members, I have just enjoyed an artistically productive painting and sketching trip to Lot-et-Garonne, as well as a sketching trip to Papa Westray.  A further RAG exhibition is planned for May 2024, at the Stables Gallery in Cromarty.


At present two of my paintings are on show at the Moray Arts Centre, Findhorn, together with work from Jonathan Shearer, menbers of the Redcastle Art Group and others.


Other work of mine is at present on show at:


the Loch Torridon Gallery, at the Torridon Community Centre


Gallery  49, Cromarty, Ross-shire.


I and my fellowr menbers of the Redcastle Art Group continue to meet regularly on the Black Isle to paint together, and we are working for our next show, which will be in June at the Stables, Cromarty


Kingsmills Dental Practice,  Inverness

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