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*Advice for young Lockies - Blogs are great but please do not leave personal details here - Do use the contact ELAG page with confidance if you want to get in touch - We never share your details.

”I don't agree with a word you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Voltaire

by Lee age 10 - 22:44 on 02 July 2006

It is a bit boring with nothing to do and why are the swimming pools shut on all Bank Holidays and Saturday afternoon?

Comment from Cait aged 12 at 22:59 on 02 July 2006.
Enfield is great but we really need a community centre with stuff to do and Albany school needs more money - Bishops Stortford is getting more money and Albany can't even afford new text books. Is it mad or is it me?
Comment from A Friend at 18:33 on 17 July 2006.
Lee and Cait - I have a suspicion that you may be related and if so also related to the 'Nice Moderator' of this site.I am sure she has not been neglecting you while working on this tremendous website but to refocus her on her family I will send her the most recent issue of Axis Magazine which has a what's on section packed full of lots of ideas for all the family and which may keep you better entertained at weekends and hopefully mean you will not find yourselves bored again!
Comment from Derek Vivian at 21:37 on 03 August 2006.
I was born at 12 Arnold Ave West. Today (03/08/2006) my sister and I went walking around the Lock area and were appalled at the scrappy appearance of most of it. I am not sure further development will improve it. Better I think to spend any available money on what is there now to make it a community of pride not a dumping ground for yet more housing.I live in Surrey now, but would like to help by adding my voice if possible.
Comment from caity age 12 at 19:05 on 04 August 2006.
Derek - I totally agree with you! New houses will cause more litter and mess than there is now - what kind of place will it be - does anyone care?
We deserve a better future - we are the voters of tomorrow!
Anyway,there will be one type of litter that will provide problems no matter how many houses are built - that's dog litter - PLEASE clean it up - YUK!
Comment from Alan Owen at 13:54 on 10 August 2006.
I moved into Government Row with my parents on 31 December 1949 when my father Leslie got a job in the MOD fire brigade and we lived there until the early 60's when we moved into the Old Police lodge just by the main gate. I visited Government Row again after 20 yrs it and the area around was so busy I wouldn't want to live there now!
Comment from Nick de Bois at 15:22 on 24 August 2006.
Congratulations on this terrific community web site- and the blogs!Derek, Caity you are both right- the last think we need is up to 500 new houses when frankly the area can't cope as it is! And yes, people do care, like the team that run this web site so there is hope for the future...maybe?
Comment from Nick de Bois at 09:53 on 29 September 2006.
Well the fight goes on in respect of Innova. The Developer asked to have the application deferred at the last moment to make it more acceptable & Planning Chairman agreed and defered it. An amended application will come on the 18th October. It is so important we all turn up (again!) to impress the Planning Committee about the level of opposition in the Lock which is HIGH! I conducted a telephone poll about the plans and over 90% of respondents do not want this development.
Comment from caity age 12 at 18:22 on 13 October 2006.
I sent a message a few months back about the fact that Albany school is'nt getting enough money.They still are not being given money and its getting serious.There is so little money that when a window gets broken,the caretakers have to use plastic because they can't afford glass.How is it fair that schools like Highlands and Bishops get millions pumped into them and Albany only gets enough to buy some new computers!I think something needs to be done.
Comment from ronald hicks at 13:11 on 19 October 2006.
Two questions if I may:

I have a relative who lives in Governement Row and for whom I want to buy either an antique photo of the area or an antique map. Does anybody know where I can get one?

Who put this blog site together..it's wonderful. I'm running the marathon next year with 60 people for my 60th birthday and I would like to set something like this up to share the training miseries during the winter! Incidentally, I still have some place left so if anybody wants to join me , plse e-mail.
Comment from Kate Hockley at 09:29 on 27 October 2006.
Ronald, I have a framed, mounted antique photo of The Lock, a nice one, I think. In fact I have two different ones, so you'll have a choice!! Please contact me by email and we'll see what we can do about the present for your relative.
Comment from Big Ozzy Fan at 07:58 on 01 November 2006.
Bullying due to music tastes

Why is it that if you say you are a 80's metal fan it sparks hurtful taunts from the so called "Gangstaz" of the class? I am a fan of bands such as My chemical romance and Aiden,whilst the majority of my class are listen to nothing but Hip-Hop and R'N'B and give me such a hard time.They don't aknowledge that i also listen to some hip-hop and such.

I think that they should just give people like me and my mates a break.I wanna know if there is other people having the same dilemma.
Comment from Nice Moderator at 23:21 on 22 March 2007.
Hello OJ - You posted a message to ' young people & children' which may be perfectly fine - However you do not say who you are or what it is you want so I am unable to publish your comments.

Obviously we support all opportunities for our young Lockies but must ensure that what is offered is suitable. If your are serious about offering opportunities for young people please let me know who you are & your contact details & what the 'opportunitues' are & I am sure we could put an advert here for you if all is well - You can use the contact form if you like.

I hope you understand our caution where our young people are concerned & fell sure you would support us in keeping them safe - Thank you for your interest.
Comment from Disgusted voter of the Lock at 12:17 on 19 April 2007.
So the Conservatives want to sell of Kettering Hall? I remember they sold of Bradley Pool which belonged to the residents not the council and we got nothing. Then Labour passed 1500 homes with no services or consultation but promised jobs for the Lock across the road.

Now the Conservatives have passed hundreds of homes on Innova Park with no services or proper consultation and a lot of other housing besides!

I feel there is a pattern emerging. Conservtive Labour Conservative. Not much to choose between them. Same tune different style of dancing is all! Well done for telling it like it is.
Comment from 2nd Disgusted of Enfield Lock at 17:44 on 30 April 2007.
Couldn't agree more - I always voted labour and I have lived here years and remember what you said - The consrvatives took the roof off Bradley while residents spoke at the council-lovely! Labour were not any better and sold us workers down the road and lined it with houses and promised us investment. We got that all right it was called Fairviews.

Good luck to ELAG Dave Beth and the rest do a great job (for no pay)we got a leaflet from the conservative lot I binned it (I will do the same to the other lot too)! Lock wake up they are both as bad as each other. we are a quick buck is all. Won't be for much longer they sold it all between them!
Comment from Nice Moderator at 15:20 on 05 May 2007.
Thank you fellow disgusteds nice to know it's not just us - Kettering is now 'Off' the list thanks to Matthew Laban's support of us (& it) & Michael Lavender's support of Matthew & us - Current Issues is updated with our Thanks to both.
Comment from l,c&k@albany school at 12:48 on 09 May 2007.
We are 3 year 8 students at Albany who DO care about our local community and we heard about the BIG 4 YOUTH thing in July. we think it's a great idea and hope the council will listen. We also think your website is really cool, how do you find the time?
Comment from Nice Moderator at 14:19 on 09 May 2007.
Hello Young People - We are glad you like the site - Full details for the BIG 4 Youth thing will be here for the weekend - Hope you will come? Please let your teachers & friends know about it - There is a form to fill in on Youth page if you want to let us know what you want.

I have lovely children which allows me to find a bit of time here & there & I am solar powered!

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