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The EJOLTs three stage review process

The publishing criteria are used at each stage by authors, reviewers and members of the Editorial Board to improve the academic quality of EJOLTs papers and the contribution they make to professional practitioners developing their knowledge, understanding and practice of Living Educational Theory Research.

Stage 1 is a double blind review process employed by most academic journals. The Editorial Board takes into account the advice from the reviewers to decide whether or not the paper goes on to the open review stage;

Stage 2 is the open review stage when author/s and members of the open review team work together to enable the author to strengthen their paper. The conversation continues until each reviewer advises the Editor that they are satisfied all points of the publishing criteria are well met. The conversation goes on in public so others can learn from and contribute to it;

Stage 3 is when the Editorial Board reviews the iteration of the paper each reviewer considers meets all the publishing criteria without caveats. The Editorial Board takes into account the advice from the reviewers to decide whether or not the paper goes on to be prepared for publication.

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