Culloden Fencing Club | sitemap | log in |
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Welcome to Culloden Fencing Club We meet at Culloden Community Centre on a Tuesday evening from 1900 to 2100 with more experienced fencers staying until 2130. As a Community Centre Club, entrance fees are paid to Culloden Community Centre and kit can be hired for a small weekly fee. This activity is also included in the Highlife Scheme run by Highland Council. The club caters for anyone over the age of 8 and all three weapons, foil, epee and sabre, are fenced. Beginners should phone Culloden Community Centre (01463 792794) to be placed on the waiting list and they will be invited to a beginners class run over 4 weeks to learn the basics. They will then get the opportunity to join the Fencing Club when space is available. Main coach is Alasdair Urquhart who is a Professor of the British Academy of Fencing and is qualified to coach in all three weapons. | ||