Those of us who live in Cubert Parish are very fortunate to have our wonderful Village Hall and are particularly grateful to those forward-thinking parishioners who, in the 1950s, built the original timber hall and to those who raised the funds and built the existing hall, which was officially opened in 1981.
A large number of regular activities take place at the hall alongside social events, such as bingo, quizzes, music events, murder mysteries and parties. The hall is privately booked for Short Mat Bowling, Tai Chi, Fitness Group and Dance Sessions and there is a Toddler Group on a Friday morning in term time. The Hall can also be booked for Wedding receptions and other large events. (See the Regular Booking List/Information tab for further information and booking)
In July 2024 our brand new Social Club opened. The Kitchen has been enlarged and the new room is now used as both the kitchen (limited facilities) and the bar serving area. The old Committee room has now become the lounge bar. You have to be a member of the Social Club to take advantage of the facility. Those of you hiring the main hall for a party who would like to use the bar facilities to supply drinks will have to first speak with the Social Club. If they are able to help out (the club is run by volunteers) they will have to obtain a Temporary Events Notice (A TEN) at least ten days before the event.
Current Social Club Opening Hours
Thursday 7pm - 10pm (Quiz Night)
Friday 7pm - 10pm
Saturday 7pm - 10pm
Sunday 4pm - 7pm
If you would like to volunteer for a shift behind the bar please contact Colin at the Social Club.
The hall is located on the south side of High Lanes, just as you enter Cubert Village (having travelled down from the A3075). It has a small open car park at the front and a larger car park to the rear, which is accessed via a gate. The car parks have recently been re-surfaced and white lined. (Hirers will need the code to open the gate)
The hall is licensed for 150 persons. Hirers will have to obtain a licence to play music as the hall's licence only covers events orgainsed by themselves. It currently does not hold a licence for selling alcohol (although this is likely to change during 2025), so hirers will have to obtain a temporary events licence if they wish to sell alcohol. Copies of the various licences will be required by the Village Hall Committee.
The hall has thirty-four large tables. There are One Hundred soft-seated stackable chairs available.
Storeroom 1 is accessed directly off the hall and Storeroom 2 is accessed from Storeroom 1. Both Storeroom doors are locked and so if you needs lots of chairs and tables you'll need the keys/code numbers to both Storeroom doors.
Hirers should click on the Charges and Hall Instructions tab for further information.
PLEASE NOTE. There has been a change to the PPL and PRS music licences, which is outside the control of the Village Hall. The change requires private hirers to obtain their own licence if they are intending to play music. You will be informed about all of this when you book the hall.
Village Hall Committee Meetings
The Village Hall Management Committee meetings normally take place on the last Tuesday of the month beginning at 1.45pm with a 15 minute open session for Parishioners to attend and ask questions of the Committee.
These are 'open' meetings and those parishioners who wish to stay after the public session can do so, but only to observe.
The dates of this year's meetings (2025) are shown below:
Tuesday 14th January
Tuesday 25th February
Tuesday 25th March
Tuesday 29th April
Tuesday 27th May
Tuesday 24th June
Tuesday 29th July
Tuesday 26th August
Tuesday 30th September OR on the day of the AGM
Tuesday 28th October
Tuesday 25th November
No Meeting in December
What's On?
A lot goes on at our village hall and to find out what please click on the 'What's On' tab to the left of the screen.
How do we communicate with you?
Everything you need to know can be found on this website and our Facebook page. We also put up posters at the Village Hall and in the noticeboard at Cubert Post Office/ Londis (to the right of the entrance, behind the bench) Village Hall events are also promoted on a number of other local Facebook pages. Should the village newsletter return we'll be in that too!
Here's the noticeboard at Londis
This site was created in April 2016 to provide useful
and up-to-date information for our parishioners
So - Do keep visiting. Thank you