A collection of local links, arranged by category.
Hebredian Celtic Festival
Popular with people from all over UK (Book accommodation early)
Popular with people from all over UK (Book accommodation early)
Information about the Isle of Lewis
Places to eat, Cruises, Cultural facilities etc
Places to eat, Cruises, Cultural facilities etc
Museums & Galleries Outer Hebredies
A good selection of museums & gallaries
A good selection of museums & gallaries
Seatrek Outer Hebredies
Long established company offering cruises and fishing trips to the most remote group of islands in Britain
Long established company offering cruises and fishing trips to the most remote group of islands in Britain
Isle of Lewis walking trails
Isle of Lewis walking trails
Fishing Lochs
Detailed information about our Lochs from Stornoway Sea Angling
Detailed information about our Lochs from Stornoway Sea Angling
Lewis Trout Fishing
Trout fishing
Trout fishing
Stornoway Golf Club
Scenic 18 hole golf club
Scenic 18 hole golf club
Surf lessons
Surf lessons
Caledonian MacBrayne
Ferry bookings & timetables
Ferry bookings & timetables
Car & van hire
Huge range of vehicles
Huge range of vehicles
Car hire
Pickup & delivery service
Pickup & delivery service
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Western Isles Council)
Bus Timetables
Bus Timetables
Stornoway Airport
Bookings, destinations
Bookings, destinations