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2011 Exhibition

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With 240 images on display boards it shows the enthusiasm of the membership as a whole.  Staging an exhibition is a great deal of work but we had a lot of members who were very willing to assist.  From taking orders for picture sales to collecting up the tea cups everyone's help was appreciated.

The main purpose of the exhibition is to give us the opportunity to display the work of our members and to show just how easy it is with a little forethought to produce some quality images from everyday things and everyday scenes.  Since the advent of digital cameras, photography has become ever more popular and having acquired your camera of choice, it's so much cheaper to use than film and the quality is now every bit as good.  Some of the images are straight from the camera and others have been enhanced by use of the computer.  But don't listen to those folk who tell you that this is cheating.  What nonsense!  Photographers have been enhancing what came out of their cameras since photography first evolved.  The only difference was that in the early days they had to use chemicals to do it whereas now it's just a few tweaks with a few buttons.

We ran our first exhibition in 2009 and decided then that bi-annual would be the best plan of action and so it has proved.  We currently have around 80 members and we like to limit the membership to this number due to limitations on the size of the village hall however we do have a membership waiting list and encourage applications on that basis.  Just as soon as a vacancy arises we can then be in touch with an offer of membership.

While we were enjoying the first day of our exhibition we were delighted to see Paul Young of Wayland Radio arrive and he was quick to ask Brian for a few details regarding the exhibition and indeed about the club itself.  The recording was put out on air the following day and a number of times the following week as well.  Click the play button above to listen to the interview.

2009 Exhibition > > >

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