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donations idea
How does this sound? If everyone pledges £50 per household in Mansfield av/Vernon crescent, would that be enough to cover the costs?

This would only work if everyone pledged though. If just one household drops out then it becomes invalid. Then we really are "All in it together"!

What do you think?
Posted by j kelly on 18 October 2013
Support from Barnet for your campaign
It is remarkable that the Barnet politicians who oppose Cat Hill (no doubt justifiable) are willing to ram through their own destruction of a wildlife site at West Henson, in a much bigger development next to the Welsh Harp SSSI.

You can seatch for 'Save the Welsh Harp' if you want to see any parallels to your campaign.
Posted by Jon on 06 May 2013
come on people!
At the last meeting there were only about 400 of us there - everyone else seems to think it's all over. Listen to Kim - it's not!

The bigger the turn out the better the chance we will have of overturning this.

To those that are reading this, please come to the next residents meeting and support poor Kim. She and her collegues have put a lot into this campeign ;-)
Posted by j kelly on 27 March 2013
I'll scan theresas reply for you if you want to put it up on the site. I'm sure others have written to her too. Havn't heard from Boris yet.
Posted by j kelly on 27 March 2013
boris & theresa
I've written to both asking if boris may like to come up and see the site for himself. So far, all is quiet on the western front...
Posted by j kelly on 16 March 2013
Enfield Councillers
Posted on 11 March 2013
so what can we do now?
Posted on 05 March 2013
Proposed development
Posted on 05 March 2013
Bats, GPs and L&Q
Posted on 07 February 2013
Updated Templates
Posted on 03 December 2012
Posted on 02 November 2012
Size of the blocks of flats
Posted on 20 October 2012
Free School
Posted on 04 October 2012
meeting on 28th JUNE
Posted on 06 July 2012
the site and academys
Posted on 02 July 2012
Meeting on 28th
Posted on 28 June 2012
No Title
Posted on 19 June 2012
Posted on 05 June 2012
L & Q
Posted on 25 May 2012
Jubilee Street Party
Posted on 23 May 2012
Street party
Posted on 21 April 2012
Residents Assoc & Street Party!
Posted on 29 March 2012
well done kim
Posted on 11 March 2012
Street party
Posted on 09 March 2012
Wednesday's Meeting
Posted on 09 March 2012
Great Result
Posted on 08 March 2012
Posted on 08 March 2012
Decision Refused :-)
Posted on 08 March 2012
Posted on 08 March 2012
Posted on 08 March 2012
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