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Cameronian Day 2018.


Sunday May the 13th is Cameronian Sunday, a day of rememberance of the Regiment, this being the nearest Sunday to the 14 th May.


Held in the village of Douglas South Lanarkshire the Regimental flag is raised at 9 30 am in the village bowling green. 10 am the Church Service in St Brides Church, then refreshments.






Yesterday 10 April final preperations were put in place for the 50th aniversary of the disbandment thanks to the Royal Regiment of Scotland for their co operation in this for those attending the cairn please note that there will be traffic restrictions in place from 13 15 hrs please be at the cairn brfore this time due to parade that will follow the disbandment route anyone wishing or thinks they are capable of parading the route or part thereof please contact me by ASAP 


Parade route as follows

Addison drive 1300 for 13.15 March off


Main St


Blue tower

Crabtree st

Main St

Enter Douglas and Angus Estate to proceed to cairn 13 50 approx


It is hoped that forces personnel will participate in the parade


Thanks to everyone who has supported this event also thank you for your cooperation on the above restrictions




2 pm is the dull but dry Conventicle by the Regimental Cairn in the Grounds of the douglas and Angus Estates.








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