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Current News for Caerleon RFC Petanque
NEWS about Caerleon RFC Petanque club and players.
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RFC Success in National Triples

The turnout for the ladies National Triples was lower than in recent years – however, competition was fierce as the top placed team would be invited to represent Wales at the women’s European Championships which will be held in Slovakia later in the year.  Barbara Vaughan and Tansy Mayfield of Caerleon played with Gemma Foster of Wheatsheaf PC  and a decisive victory in the first game set the tone for the day.  They did not drop a game, ending up with 6 wins from 6.  Well done to them.

In the meantime, the Men’s National triples was also running: club members Kon Tonczyk and Jake Caston teamed up with Peter Westall for the day and had a really good run in the pools, before working their way through the knock out stages to the final where they came up against a Monkstone Inn team.  The game was a close one with our boys putting up a good fight creeping back from a 7 point defecit to within 2 points.  Sadly it wasn’t to be and the final end saw Monkstone secure the win.  Hard luck lads.

A mention must also go to Ian Wheeler who has been bitten by the competition bug this year – he entered with a scratch team and made the most of the experience: I’m sure it will have whetted his appetite!


Home Nations 2016 Qualifier

Eight Caerleon players competed in the qualifier to represent Wales at the Home Nations - which will be held in Edinburgh.  Jake Cston was the highest placed member, qualifying at 3rd with team mates Gemma Foster, Peter Westall and Bob Pugh.   The all caerleon Bridlington Bandits (Barbara Vaughan, Kon Tomczyk, and Tansy & Paul Mayfield) were 5th.  The other all caerleon team of Pat Daviss, Tania Mason, Jan Price and Ian were looking like they had secured a qualifying spot but a bas Sunday scuppered their hopes and they finished in 9th, outside of the squad placings. Bad luck!


Quiz Night

We held a fundraising quiz at the club on 15th April and we had a packed house, with every chair and stool in the clubhouse pressed into service!  Twelve teams competed in a good humoured quiz run by Merfyn Hughes: top honours went to the mis-named “Could Do Better” who very kindly donated their prize back to the club our Celtic funds – second placed Monmouth PC did the same.  Thank you to all attendees for your generosity and support. 


Celtic Success for Caerleon!

Caerleon teams have a habit of doing well in the celtic Challenge qualifiers – but this year we had an extra incentive as we are to host the Challenge for the first time.  In all we had 12 players competing, and of them 9 have made the squad  no mean feat in the most hotly contested qualifier in many years – a record 19 teams played to make the cut. 


Congratulations to Wally, Dai & Nobby  who qualified in 5th place and who will be representing Wales for the first time.  Tansy, Paul & Kon qualified in 6th place, and Alison, Paul & Richard made the 8th place.  This means that the Wales B squad is 75% Caerleon!  Hard luck to Tania (playing for the first time in a WPA qualifier), Barb and Pat who missed out.


St David's Open

Many thanks to the 50 plus players who came to our St David’s Day Open yesterday.   The day was played in really good spirit with a mix of players from the BiG League, the WPA and even a rogue English player.  A couple of teams had a really decent run right up to the end with Steve Brace’s team winning 4 of the 5 games to take 3rd (narrowly shading out the Mathew Howell’s all-stars – featuring a reckless Andy Pook dressed in Hi-Vis jacket and shorts despite the sub-zero temperature).  Two teams were undefeated all day however, and Tony Smith’s team were only relegated to second place on points by Phil Bradshaw’s team


It was fearsome cold, and the breakfast butties and lunchtime hot dogs and soup helped stave off hypothermia.  Several people also opted for a beer overcoat to be on the safe side. Many thanks to Alison (and the Gregory massive) for catering, to Pat for running the raffle, to Paul G for setting up and to Rich for organising such a well run tournament – with the rest of the Caerleon members mucking in as always to help with various tasks.  Most of all though we thank all the players for supporting us by playing, raffling and eating.



European Cup for Clubs: Caerleon Lose Out In Semi Finals

The semi finals of the cup for clubs were completed last week.  The first round (I am told) was played in the cold, the wind and the rain making for a challenging day.  We were unlucky not to win both triples –having won the first triple a ‘lucky’ misfire from the opposition sprung the coche to secure the second triple for Pontyclun.  We took 1 of the 3 doubles rounds leaving us 2/3 down but optimistic. 


The second leg of the semi-final was played in brighter weather mercifully.  Again we took one of the 2 triples leaving us with a steep hill to climb in the triples.  We secured one win fairly quickly – but despite 2 lengthy and hard fought battles sadly that was all we were to take.  Pontyclun played well and in good spirit throughout and we wish them luck for the finals.


10 Year Anniversary Celebrations

To mark the 10 year anniversary of the Petanque club, a party was held at the RFC.  Every one who had ever played for the club was invited and there was a great turnout with old and new faces pitching in to celebrate the milestone.  Wally – as always – did us proud with the catering producing curry and bhajis, whilst Kon put on a slideshow for some of the main events of the clubs history: as you can imagine Bastille Day featured heavily!  He managed to get photos of everyone who had played over the years providing a great backdrop for an evening of fun, food and friendship.  Here’s to another 10 years!

27th November 2015


Monkstone’s Generous Support

Monkstone Petanque Club at Penylan very generously held a quiz to raise funds to support Caerleon in hosting the Celtic challenge.  Bernard Adshead was the Host with the Most, setting a great quiz for a packed out room of 80 players.  The quizzers were helped along by some cracking food at half time (thanks to Judith, Barbara and Carol for that!) making it a really enjoyable and good natured night out. 

Monkstone club president Mike Jones hands over the readies


The winning team was headed up by Roger Griffin – and they very kindly donated their winnings to the Celtic coffers adding £60 to the £400 raised by entry fees and raffle – a very generous and much appreciated donation.  It was a great evening and a great gesture of support from the Monkstone – thank you!

6th November 2015









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