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The Season Of Awakening

by Caroline Allen - 11:18 on 29 December 2008

The Season Of Awakening Monday, December 29, 2008 - 5:01 AM
The season of awakening to new and wonderful things,
The wisdom to know the difference, but willing to change,
The realization of Jesus revealed, the bright, and precious promises,
The hope set before us, the race is still on, Christ in you, the hope of glory,
He's the Anchor, sure and strong.

Winter is not a time for deadness, but a reviving of one's soul,
A time to reflect on our lives, a time to build up, and renew,
A time to become more intimate with the One Who died for us,
A time to love, a time to give, and a time to share, a time for prayer.
A time for joy, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

A time for resting in Him, waiting on Him, listening to His voice,
A time for preparation for all that He has, to write the vision, and
make it plain, a drawing near, clairity, and purpose will become clear,
in this season of awakening, Oh yes, He is near.

Lisa Beth Jenkins Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved

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