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This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.


Leave your thoughts and comments about the Brand X Organ.

This guestbook allows us to receive comments from our visitors for everyone to see - it also allows anyone to reply.

 By default it is moderated, which means that no-one's comments are published until we check them first  (just like letters to a newspaper).


Comments on Brand X
It seems rather odd to me that certain people are making comments on a discussion website without expressing their views in this Guestbook.

Rather than make comments by the backdoor, I would prefer to hear from them directly on a website that is made for the Brand X organ.

The NEWS page on this website may provide some of the answers - if there any questions that remain unanswered I will be delighted to give them my personal attention - after all, that is one purpose of having this website.

Let's hope that comments will be genuine and sensible.
Posted by Ian Griffin on 05 July 2010
New organ
It's about time someone created an organ for for those who want them. In my opinion, it is not right for the Japanese (or any other nationality) to decide and dictate what organists and keyboard players should play in this country.

The words 'Made in Great Britain' are being used less and less. I just hope that the new Brand X product will shake those who think we should play single manual keyboards and have no choice in the matter.

Real players play with two hand and two feet - I doubt if anyone can argue with that?
Posted by Dick Martin on 22 February 2010
now June is busting out all over, where is the ' X '
Posted by john on 22 June 2010
Have a look at the NEWS page - does that answer your question?
Posted by Ian on 05 July 2010
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