Cleaning Up Windermere……’Waiting For Spring’…..From ‘Wild Justice’….
by Bernie Bell - 08:17 on 12 March 2025
Cleaning Up Windermere……
From Mr. Mac’s Bluesky page…
Robert Macfarlane
This morning Labour pledged to clean up Windermere & eliminate all sewage discharges into the lake. Sec of State for Env made the commitment both on air & on the lake-shore. This the result of tireless, indefatigable campaigning by
‘Waiting for Spring’……
Ambushed by snow
ankle deep
filthy slush
Shiv'ring 'neath dirty
clouds looming o'er
Waiting for the timid sun
to peek through cumulus curtains
A mild breeze caresses my cheek
signaling the tulipdillious
blossomation of inevitable spring
(Another group effort with my pals at Charles House. By the end we were suffering from a spring fever so bad we just started making up words like e. e. cummings.)
From ‘Wild Justice’…..
“Good morning!
In this newsletter: yesterday, our petition - click here - to ban driven grouse shooting passed 75,000 signatures and is now approaching 76,000 signatures. We have until 22 May to secure the remaining 24,000+ signatures to secure a Westminster Hall debate. Also in this newsletter; we are in court in Cardiff on Friday, look out for our ads, a meeting with the Health and Safety Executive and this is very nearly your last chance to speak out on lead ammunition.
A hearing: on Friday morning we (some of us) will be at the Cardiff Civil Justice Centre, 2 Park St, Cardiff CF10 1ET at 11am for a 'renewal hearing' on our challenge of the lawfulness of a planning decision - click here - by the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority. We asked the court for a judicial review of the decision on five grounds and we have been given permission on two of them but not the other three. The hearing is like an appeal, before a judge, where our barristers argue the legal reasons why we should be allowed to include the other three grounds when we appear in the High Court in London in a few months time.
Advertisements in Private Eye: are you a fan of Private Eye? If so, or if you visit your newsagent and buy the next three issues (21 March - 3 April, 4 April - 17 April and 18 April - 1 May), then you may see the work of cartoonist Edith Pritchett - click here - highlighting Wild Justice and our work.
Meeting the Health and Safety Executive: our Collateral Damage report - click here - prompted the HSE to invite us to have a 'high-level' meeting with them - so we'll be doing that next week. We have fairly low expectations of this 'high-level' meeting but we'll give it a go.
Make lead ammunition history: many of you have sent a letter to Steve Reed at Defra asking him to accept the recommendations of the Health and Safety Executive's painfully slow review of lead ammunition which recommended an almost complete ban on outdoor use. If you didn't do it before, then please click here to send him a message. We're due a response from Mr Reed tomorrow in response to our letter - see here.
Our petition on banning driven grouse shooting: our latest blog lists the constituencies from which most signatures have come - click here. Top of the list is the Derbyshire Dales with 441 signatures and bottom is Mid Ulster with just 12. That's quite a spread, but it's the total that counts. Your signature is just as valuable as anyone else's from anywhere else.
We have lots planned to get the next 25,000 signatures (but why stop there?) but there is nothing like word of mouth - please pass the message on. And if you live in the following parliamentary constituencies please email us if you might be able to give a hand to deliver some leaflets, some posters or participate in other wheezes we have in mind - Cambridge, Oxford East, Oxford West and Abingdon, Streatham and Croydon North, Holborn and St Pancras, Bristol Central, Leeds Northwest, Sheffield Hallam and Sheffield Central (for starters).
Wild Justice depends on donations to do our work. You can donate through PayPal, bank transfer or a cheque in the post - see details here. You are our source of funding and a donation today would also feel like a vote of confidence in what we are doing. And, not to be the least bit coy about it, we'll soon have our new Chief Executive, Bob Elliot - click here - to pay, so any contributions will be very welcome.
Thank you.
Wild Justice (Directors: Mark Avery, Chris Packham and Ruth Tingay).
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