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Welcome to the Bagworth, Thornton and Stanton-under-Bardon Neighbourhood Plan web site.

The joint Neighbourhood Plan for Bagworth, Thornton and Stanton-under-Bardon affords an opportunity for our community to shape and guide future development that will occur in our area and ensure that it meets our needs and aspirations.

The Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group has been established jointly by Bagworth & Thornton Parish Council and Stanton-under-Bardon Parish Council with a mandate to create a Neighbourhood Plan which will present a vision and produce policies for the future development of our area.

In order to create the Plan, the Steering Group will need to consult residents, businesses, organisations and other legitimate stakeholders in order to ensure the end product satisfies all parties. The completed Plan, once accepted by the Planning Authority, will become part of the statutory development plan for the Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council area. This means that local authority or planning inspectors will have to make decisions based on Neighbourhood Plan policies and any other material matters when considering planning applications or appeals in the area covered by the Neighbourhood Plan. 

This website will track the progress of the project stage by stage. Please log on regularly for an update!

Or - better still!  Attend one of our meetings to see for yourself how we are progressing. Please see the calendar for details of dates and locations.

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