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looking to find my other half
your lovely pups made me so very happy! I am so
desperately looking for my second special piece of pure perfect in sharing time with a deerhound.

Posted by Susan on 24 March 2017
Hello, just met your site,
Just say a Helloooo from Germany. Deerhound lover since 1994.
You have a wonderful HP, I come back again soon!
Warmest regards
Cara with acual DH Quincy- my 6th Scottish Deerhound male and my Whippet Gentle
All the best!
Posted by Cara Dillmann on 14 November 2014
Saw you at Crufts
Hi, I met you at Crufts and you were so interesting to talk to about your beautiful hounds. I was the man who you told the story of the time you were judging this year's judge's dogs. You probably met so many people you may not remember. Anyway it was a great pleasure to meet you. I saw your resucued section on the website. If you ever find yourself in that poseition again please contact me as I could offer a home. I will also keep an eye/ear open incase you have any litters as I really loved your hounds. Regards Viv
ps my deerhound is called Violet and my greyhound, Rumble!
Posted by Viv Aylward on 08 March 2014
It was so lovely meeting you please do take a note of my e mail address and stay in touch! B xx
Posted by Betina on 18 March 2014
Hello from Finland!
We´re looking forward to have one of our own Deerhound someday in the near future!
Thank You for these great Scottish Deerhound pages!
Posted by Marika on 05 August 2012
Thankyou for stopping by :)
Posted by Betina on 29 January 2014
Congratulations on all your successes recently. Sadly Brice left me in Feb - would have let you know sooner but it seemed hard when you would be so happy with your wins. I miss him heaps and thank you for letting me have him
Posted by Sue on 11 June 2012
Thankyou for loving him so much and giving him a wonderful life B xx
Posted by Betina on 18 March 2014
To Auntie Tina, well done we are all so proud for you. p.s. I think those trousers are much better than the last ones I saw you in!!
Posted by Jasper on 04 June 2012
hi bettina, i`m katrina, donald and jean mcilnyre` daughter. i live quite near you in leics. congratulations on your win at crufts, i so wanted you to win the hound group, i was shouting at the telly!!!!! your dog is lovley.
Posted by katrina rihardson on 12 March 2012
hi bettina, i`m katrina, donald and jean mcilnyre` daughter. i live quite near you in leics. congratulations on your win at crufts, i so wanted you to win the hound group, i was shouting at the telly!!!!! your dog is lovley.
Posted by katrina rihardson on 12 March 2012
Hi from NZ
What a super website! Loved seeing all the photos and learning a bit more about your hounds
Best wishes from the Lochbrowan Scottish Deerhounds - Jag, Faye and Pixie, and of course, Jenny and Paul
Posted by Jenny Nelson on 19 November 2011
I so enjoy seeing yours on facebook
we may be thousands of miles from each other but our love of this breed unites us
hugs and pats from this part of the World
Posted by Betina on 05 January 2012
Well Done
Well done to Lyra and Strasburg, we are so proud of you both. Love from your scottish cousins, Jasper and Eclipse xxxxx
Posted by Jasper on 13 October 2011
Thankyou Jasper and Eclipse we think your very gorgeous as well

Posted by Betina on 19 October 2011
Regards from Norway
Posted on 08 December 2010
Posted on 21 February 2010
Very interesting Deerhound page
Posted on 19 January 2010
Posted on 22 December 2009
Shows and stuff
Posted on 29 December 2008
Posted on 28 December 2008
Posted on 30 August 2008
Sweety girl (Roxy)
Posted on 18 August 2008
Posted on 15 August 2008
Posted on 10 August 2008
The Kids
Posted on 24 July 2008
Deerhounds are great.
Posted on 06 July 2008
Pups Galore!
Posted on 04 June 2008
Posted on 01 June 2008
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