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We are sorry for recent delays in publishing letters.  The glitch in the system has now been fixed by our hosting service.  This will mean a quicker response in future.


Could I prevail upon you for support in my seventeen year struggle for justice. The authorities are doing everything they can to stop the truth from coming out. The evidence on my Website is just the basic facts. David Crausby the local Labour M.P. will not support me.
Posted by Garrard McKay on 18 June 2010
Your website address appears on our NEWS ITEM page.
Posted by Ed on 18 June 2010
Dr.David Kelly (Iraq)
I sent this to various papers at the time, but they didn't acknowledge it, just come across your web site thought you might appreciate it more.

Dr. David Kelly I salute you.

I watched the 'The Government Inspector' on channel 4. 18/12/2009 12.50-02.40am
what an absolute GRIPPING drama, but why was it shown so late, or should I say, so early in the morning.

Was it to minimise the audience, so the government could keep the propaganda alive via the news and papers.

I said when the news broke of Dr. David Kellys death, that it smelt like a Grimsby trawler, will the real truth ever be told, I doubt it, there's about as much chance of that happening as seeing a snowball in Hell.

Dr. David Kelly, I salute you, you were a consummate professional, your untimely death was brought around by two things that Politicians lack in BIBLICAL proportions, Morals and the ability to tell the truth.

I hope your tormentors suffer as I'm sure they will, but only THEY know who they are, they will continue to hide behind their cloak of deceit and stand and watch truth, morality, decency and TRUE professionalism drown in a cesspool of filth that some like to call politics, rather than stand up and be counted.

Kevin Morgan.

Posted by Kevin Morgan on 18 March 2010
This new website
I have to say that it is a great idea to have a website such as this to express one's views and opinions.
I have no doubt that you will print letters that the press will not.
This website adds to the freedom of expression and free speech. It will be another step forward in having a more open and honest society.
I look forward to see many controversial views in the time ahead.
Posted by Bill Harries on 30 July 2009
I concur with Bill Harries. He express's what I would hope for as well. Good luck to the new ani-corruption website. I wish them well.

Dai Dust.
Posted by Dai Dust on 31 July 2009
After the above was written by Dai Dust, we added his website to our Menu - with his consent, of course.
Posted by Ed. on 31 July 2009
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