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Meeting the Voters

by Jim - 15:22 on 30 April 2010

I bumped into Cllr Alistair Ross and Sir Robert Smith at the Farmers' Market in Alford, both of whom were busy "glad-handing" in the run up to the 2010 General Election (see photograph in gallery section). As I took their posed photograph, Sir Robert offered to remove his rosette for fear of introducing bias.....I replied that if the other candidates weren't present then it was their loss and the presence of the rosette "date stamped" the photograph.

Both Cllr Ross and Sir Robert expressed their support for the Alford Farmers' Market and for the Alford Heritage Centre and Museum and went on to say that the Museum is an essential part of the local community and must take an active part in life in Alford, and that the Market was an excellent example of this. Encouragement must be given to any projects connected with the Museum to ensure its survival and to ensure a healthy future. Good to hear such support!

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