SpanglefishAfrica in Democracy and Good Governance | sitemap | log in
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  • To engage in matters relating to human rights, democracy and the promotion of good governance in Africa;

  • To lobby for the reforms in governments;

  • To campaign against corruption and impunity;

  • To dialogue with and encourage governments, those in authority, and civil society as well, to uphold the rule of law and democratic principles, to guarantee the security of lives and properties and to ensure a profound respect for human and people's right.

  • Health; To sensitize the general public on HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis related diseases; Conduct a counselling and support programs for People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA); and to lobby legislation for the rights of PLWHA

  • Women's Right & Empowerment Programs; To promote and protect the rights of women in Africa and implore strategies for advancing women's education of their political, socio-economic and cultural rights through civic education, conferences, workshops and seminars; work with stakeholders to promote women's reproductive health rights and reduce maternal mortality/morbidity.

  • Children's Rights; To initiate and lobby for support to addresss the needs, and ensure the rights of children are protected under various National, Regional and International human rights instrument. To build capacity and mechanisms to facilitate the provision of education, social, financial and spiritual support to children orphaned by HIV/AIDS and other vulnerable diseases.

  • Environmental Rights; To campaign against all forms of environmental degradation and exploitation and  to lobby for the legislation of the environment.

  • Prisons and Detention; To organize a sentization programs for prison officials, to rehabilitate prisoners. To lobby legislation on the right of prisoners and detainees; and to promote international standards on prison administration and detention facilities.

 ADG also engages in other works such as:







Acting Chairperson | Hon. (Mrs) Akua Sena Dansua
Email - or

Director of Programs | Mr. Edwin Nebolisa NWAKAEME
Mob: 220 971 82 35/770 70 63
Email - or

Financial Administrator | Mr. Ibrahim Koroma
Mob: 220 999 43 93
Email - or

Secretary General | Barrister Emmanuel E. Chime
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Personal Asst. to the Director of Programs | Mrs. Fatou Sarr
Mob: 220 991 79 34
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