SpanglefishActive Schools East Sutherland | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 26/03/2011.

In order for 'more kids, to be more active, more often'  we need to work together.  Here's a few links to agencies and organisations that support us, both strategically and locally.

Highland Council - managing the Active Schools Programme in Highland -

Sportscotland -
National agency for sport in Scotland, developing sport and physical recreation with partners such as Highland Council

Sutherland Sports Council receives funding from the Highland Sports Development Association to support the development of sports clubs and individuals in Sutherland.             
Contact Suzanne Doogan - for grant application pack or go direct to the website above.

Coaching Highland provides funding, courses and extensive resources to support the training and development of sports coaches in the Highlands.  For more information go

Highland Institute of Sport -
Working to support elite athletes from the Highlands.

Health Promoting Schools  - a Scottish Government initiative that aims to make every school adopt a whole school approach to promoting the physical, social, spiritual, mental and emotional well being of all pupils and staff.

Change4Life - an nhs funded information site for happier, healthier kids.

British Heart Foundation - has stacks of useful, high quality resources for health and fitness programmes for kids in schools and the community.  Go to

East Sutherland Athletics Club - local coaching for young people at various venues in east Sutherland.



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