COMMITTEE - Your Society is run by a handful of volunteers. Please consider whether you could come and help us - nominations need to be in for the AGM in October. You would be very welcome.
MAGAZINE - Copies of the past editions are available at indoor meetings; £1 -£2.
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) came into force on 25th May 2018. If you wish to continue receiving emails about the Society please email Patricia the Membership Secretary.
The Society has its own Facebook page, where members can share their wildlife photos for all to see. Search on facebook for 'Wollaton Natural History Society'. If you would like to post a picture, click to request to join and Nigel will approve you if you are a WNHS member.
We have upgraded the website so we can show more photographs - click on them to see an enlarged image.
Photographic Competition 2025. The competition is in digital format with an external judge. For further details please see Photographic Competition page (left column). Photos should be any taken from last September to this September so NOW is the time to get those winning shots!
STACKING CHAIRS- The caretaker has asked us to point out that the chairs in the hall should be stacked no more than four at a time and be a hand-width away from the walls to prevent accidents and help protect the floor and walls. We are very grateful to all those who help us with setting out the seating.
BOTANICAL GROUP - Includes flowers, grasses, trees etc. See Calendar page for outing details. If you are interested just turn up for the walk, contact the Society (see below) or sign up on the list at the meetings.
PHOTOGRAPHIC GROUP - This active group share images, locations and plan outings. See Photograhic Group page for how to join.
BIRD GROUP - See 'Guided Walks' page. Just turn up on the day.
If you would like to join any of these groups please contact Nigel Downes (0115 9444671), email via the Feedback page (column on the left) or enquire at the next indoor meeting. NO EXTRA PAYMENT necessary.
WALK LEADERS: If you are able to lead a walk this year, please get in touch with Mike Harrington.
REFRESHMENTS: Please add your name to the volunteer list if you can help for one of our meetings. You only need to be able to pour a teapot or spoon out some coffee.
There will be opportunities to sell your PLANT & PRODUCE surpluses at meetings in aid of Society funds. Please price your items yourself and an honesty box will be provided.
GARDEN WILDLIFE SURVEY CARDS are available from Mike Harrington. Why not have a go and see how the wildlife in your own garden varies from month to month.
DISABLED MEMBERS -If anyone knows of a member needing a lift to get to our meetings, please let the Committee know so we can appeal for help.
WILDLIFE NOTES FROM OUR MEETINGS now appear on the Members' Nature Notes Page (see column of left)
To contact the Society please use the Feedback Page (see column on the left)