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The Falkirk Triangle

An area that stretches from Bonnybridge to roughly The Wallace Monument in Stirling before heading North East over to Fife and Glenrothes.

This has become known as The Falkirk Triangle and is now officially the worlds number 1 area for UFO sightings, it has overtaken the previous number 1 area that is known asa area 51 in the Nevada Desert.

Area 51 became famous as the romours of a goverment cover-up following a alleged UFO crashed landed on the outskirts of a US-Air Force secret testing sight, where most of the US-Air Force new and still secret aircraft underwent testing prior to going into service.

It was reported that the wreckage of the crashed UFO was stored in one of the bases hangers. I was also widely believed a severely injured alian recieved medical treatment at the base but didn't survive. It's body became one of Americas most guarded secrets.

The area know as The Falkirk Triangle had an average of 300 UFO sightings per year, however this has more than tripled in the last 3 months of 2022, with over 700 sighting over Glenrothes alone.

Most of these sightings were recorded over the RWE Biomass Power Plant on the outskirts of Glenrothes.

It was reported that an actual UFO landed within the RWE site.

It was reported that this event was captured on the site CCTV and the security officer on duty that night along with all staff working there that night were held there by police until officers ftrom MI5 and MI6 arrived from London. All staff that were on duty through the night had to surrender thier mobile phones to officers from MI5 and MI6 once they arrived. The site CCTV recordings of that night were taken away and the staff were made sign The Official Secrets Act.

It is reported that several officers from MI5 and MI6 remained at the RWE site for about 6 weeks.

Please copy and paste the link below ionto yoiur internet search engine to watch a video of a guy explaining more about the Falkirk Triange.

I'm still trying to work out how to add hyperlinks that work onto here. 

So until I work oiut how to do this, I'm sorry, this is the best I can do for now.



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