Unfortunately this group is not currently in action but the information has been retained and will be updated as soon as possible.
Enjoy watching history and archaeology documentaries on TV?
Why not come along and learn about the past in a friendly group of like-minded people?
An Assortment of Archaeological Subjects
WEA course
Tutor: Simon Tomson
Covering aerial photography as used in archaeology, modern techniques such as LIDAR, what we can learn from marks on the ground AND the history and archaeology of the mediaeval military monks: Templars, Hospitallers, Teutonic Knights & Lazarenes.
Wednesday evenings, 7 pm to 9 pm, starting 10 January 2018
at The Snaith School, Pontefract Road, Snaith, DN14 9LB
Cost: £68* for the term (11weeks) – including tea/coffee & biscuits
(* full fee – please enquire about concessions)
No skills or knowledge needed, just curiosity about the past
(No homework! No exams! No stress!)
All Welcome
Please contact Ron Christian on 01405 860655
or come along to the first session