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This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

The library contains sound files (midi and mp3 or wma) and scores (pdf or abc).

Double click .MID files to hear tune on your computer (Windows media Player).

Right click .mp3 files and 'Save Target' to download tune e.g. for ipod or CD.

Double click .pdf  to view and print score for tune.

Right click .abc files and Save Target to download score for processing with ABC software e.g. ABC Navigator.

  chapter four
  my arrangements
 aleisdear.mid - 27kB
 ityhakthln.mid - 7kB
 marymo.mid - 7kB
 ocsdraft.mid - 16kB
 teann.pdf - 14kB
  my compositions
 18-6.mid - 16kB
 18-6twostep.pdf - 40kB
 alisons.pdf - 19kB
 alison_abc.txt - 0kB
 andrewan.pdf - 21kB
 braes.pdf - 17kB
 braesodoune(1).mid - 86kB
 carolgrad.pdf - 23kB
 carolsdublin.mid - 5kB
 caroltrip.pdf - 29kB
 carpe diem.pdf - 9kB
 christina.pdf - 27kB
 clares.pdf - 22kB
 irenes.mid - 10kB
 irenes.pdf - 23kB
 iscmplmts.pdf - 27kB
 jardies.mid - 6kB
 jardies.pdf - 28kB
 margarets.pdf - 19kB
 tommyann.pdf - 24kB
 alberts-90th-midi.mid - 0kB
 alberts-90th.pdf - 22kB
 allaroundmhat.mid - 15kB
 alythtattiehowkers.mid - 23kB
 anpaistin.mid - 3kB
 boysinpuddle set2.mid - 13kB
 gowanhill.mscz.pdf - 15kB
 gowanhilla.mscz.mid - 0kB
 gowling-hill-jig.mscz.mid - 1kB
 gowling-hill-jig.mscz.pdf - 27kB
 hornpipes - canadian barndance.doc - 272kB
 laura-and-scotts-wedding-waltz.mscz.mid - 3kB
 laura-and-scotts-wedding-waltz.mscz.pdf - 35kB
 set49.mid - 4kB
 set50.mid - 10kB
 set51.mid - 9kB
 stgmil.mid - 5kB
 stoursooker.mid - 7kB
 wavesind.pdf - 10kB
 wavesoftory.pdf - 10kB
 wildmt.mid - 16kB
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