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This is a free Spanglefish 1 website. | ||
The price of postage to America has doubled in the past couple of years. I can not absorb this cost any more. So mail to America is nowl 30% of order value but a minimum postal rate of £10 I am going to try 30% order value for orders to USA again, but orders to Australia and New Zealand the customer will be advised of the postal price when the order is weighed at the Post Office
Payment by Pay Pal
We are still open for business so send those orders in !
WARNING ! There appears to be a web site, believed to be in America trading by the name of Mick Yarrow Miniatures. (mickyarrowminiatures.co.uk) They sell everything from metal miniatures, coins, to sexy butt plugs. This site has nothing to do with me and is most likely a large scam. Be warned My website is mickyarrowminiatures@yahoo.co.uk spangelfish, Remember to write spangelfish on the end if you are unsure if the site you are visiting is mine or a scam
The 15mm Medieval Range has
been painted and re-organised.
Check it out
Gallery New 15mm Samurai
Some new pictures of painted 25mm French and Austrians (by Kev Ward to see. Also more Free Flags !
New Kremlin Sci Fi Fantasy Orni-copter (measues from wing tip to wing tip 11", aprox 28cm ) Has 16 pieces and is priced at £15
New, Fantasy Trolls, Ogres and Giants, 38mm tall!
Sorry I have had to increase the price of my 15mm figures from £2.00 to £2.20. But I am using a better quality metal and the postage rates have not increased, only the minimum postage amount to the EU and the Rest of the world Mick Y 19/8/2014 25mm Vikings with seperate heads, shields and weapons Conquest of Siberia, 15mm figures painted by Kev Ward
New Kremlin Miniatures Sci Fi available here Check out the lists and free set of rules!
Check out the page on Kremlin Sci Fi
By Kev Ward
I have changed my backing colour scheme as the flashing stars upset a few people. Sorry about that
Sedgemoor 1688 and Covenanter Rebelion 1679 Royal foot, by Kev Ward
Early Medieval Knight painted by Kev Ward 30th December 2013
28mm, Early Medieval Knights 1250- 1350?
Painted 28mm Beowulf and Gredall figures by Kev Ward The 15mm figures of Beowulf and Gredall are in the same poses A new range of 28mm figures designed by Kev Ward This covers the period roughly between 1250 and 1350? Most of the knights are in Great Helms and have various different horses, plus seperate shields and spears Can be used in conjunction with the 28mm Robin Hood figures on which page they are listed on EM 1 BOWMAN in helmet EM 2 BOWMAN in helmet EM 3 FOOT KNIGHT in great helm, shield and sword EM 4 MOUNTED KNIGHT Great Helm, shield and spear EM 5 MOUNTED KNIGHT Great Helm with feathers, shield and spear EM 6 MOUNTED KNIGHT Great Helm with crest shield and axe EM 7 MOUNTED KNIGHT Great Helm with EM 8 MOUNTED KNIGHT Great Helm with vertical crest shield and spear EM 9 Foot knight in helmet with shield and sword EM 10 Foot knight in great helm with spear and shield
EM 12 Religious man/ Monk/Friar with banner EM 11 Religious man / Monk/Friar with ragged cross on staff Can be used from 1170, death of Thomas a' Becket to the Pilgrimage of Grace in 1536? EM 13 Mounted knight in round helmet . More to come Mick Yarrow 7 St Peters Lane Tel/fax (01430) 431009 Email us at: royalistmymins@yahoo.co.uk UK / BFPO +10% All prices are in UK pounds. Payable by cash or cheque (in UK pounds sterling) drawn on a UK bank and made payable to: M. Yarrow PAY PAL Payment can also be made via Pay Pal. E-mail with the items required and I will reply with the price plus postage and the Pay Pal account to pay into OR Email with details of order plus postage and pay directly into my Pay Pal account at mickyarrowminiatures@yahoo.co.uk Sorry we do not accept Debit or Credit cards
Please note I normally send packages out by first class mail (sometime 2nd class depending on weight and cost). If you would like to pay extra and have your package to be sent by 'signed for' or if a large expensive package, 'insurred', or some other form of postage, then please indicte when ordering. When I post a package I receive a 'proof of posting 'receipt and as a result I can not be held responsible for packages that get lost (very occasionally) in the post
30th December 2013 I have produced more of the World War One figures of the 1914 period. These are for the opening stages of the war where it fought in open ground in France and Belguim. Also included are troops for the siege of Antwerp! Not all are out yet, but should be released soon. There are also a small range of Russian figures of the same period included
15mm BEOWULF and GRENDEL figures From Lone Warrior The Beowulf figure is delightful, standing in huberk, with big round bossed shield, sword poised for thrusting over shield rim. Grendel on the other hand is big, over 25mm tall, 35mm to the top of his arm which is raised ready to strike (with his spiked club): the monsters hairy, wild and partly clad in furs, he'd fit with many a fantasy scenario. Price £1.50 for both Rob Morgan, Lone Warrior 2013 These two figures in identical poses are now available in 28mm, priced at £2.50 for both NEW NEW NEW1200 SCALE WARSHIPS March 2012 1225D Buckley Class DE (John C Butler type) £2.00 4th October 2011. Due to a rise in postal prices in the UK, especially to the rest of the world (Minimum is £2.07, I must increase my prices to minimum postage to £2.00. Sorry about thatNew 15mm ranges coming out, World War 1914/15 figures British, German and French
New New New New New New New New New New World War One 1914/5 British, German and French Start of a new expanding range of figures as the centenary of the begining of the great war approaches. These are 15mm in size and comparable with the smaller Peter Pig figures. Price is £2.00 per pack of 8 infantry Britsh 1 8 x Assorted infantry British 1a 8 x Assorted infantry including officers German1 8 x Assorted infantry German 1a 8 x Assorted infantry including officers French 1 8 x Infantry advancing French 1a 8 x Infantry advancing including officers New New New New New New New New New New Also new 25mm Hob Goblins Individual figures at special opening price of 50p each !! these were originaly titled as Orc's but are a little small and look and feel more like Hob Goblins Hob Goblin with bow Hob Goblin with sword type weapon Hob Goblin with spear Hob Goblin with pole axe 25mm Hob Goblin with 1 Euro coin for comparisson Opening price is 50p each
MICK YARROW MINIATURES(MY MINIATURES)ATTENTION, NEW PRICES NEW PRICES Due to the huge increase in the price of metal I have increased my prices by a small amount, sorry!!
1/4800 scale ship 15mm Ice Age creature15mm German Infantry 15mm Egyptian chariotLate Ice Age circa 14000 to 8000 BC Warriors of the Ice Age and creatures Inuits (Eskimos) Egypt, Pre Dynastic, Early, Mid and New Kingdom Sea People Hittite Macedonian and Successors Arabs Assyrians Minoan Mycenean Dark Age Greece Gladiators King Arthur Early Saxons Vikings Gundestrup Celts Northern Barbarians Hawaiian Maoris Napoleonics British and French World War 2 Modern Wars 1990-2010
NEW NEW Fantasy Ancients 6mm Sci Fi 15mm Sci Fi 15mm Accessories Mediaevals, Wars of the Roses Flodden Early 100 Years War 16th Century Spanish/ Dutch Sedgemoor 1688 Covernanter Rebbelion 1679 Lombards Vilanovian Italian 1000-600BC Sardinian 1000-600 BC
25MM AND 28MM FIGURES 25MM Napoleonic British, French, Bavarian, Russian, Spainish and Austria 25mm Dark Age Normans, Saxons and Vikings (Seperate Heads and Weapons) 25mm Cowboys (Seperate Heads and Weapons)(Packs only) 25mm English Civil War
NEW NEW 28MM Robin Hood
H0/00 Scale Railway Figures N Scale Railway Figures
1/1200 Scale Waterline Ships Former Trafalgar Range
1/3000 Scale Waterline Ships Former Trafalgar Range
1/4800 Scale Waterline Ships (30p and 40p each) Former Trafalgar Range
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