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Published (or accepted for publication) writing and presented papers etc

I have find trying to write and think very difficult and painful. I draft, redraft and sometimes abandon some work altogether and start again. Because I have to work so hard to create something that communicates to me and, I hope, communicates to someone else, I thought I was not good at writing. I still don't know whether I am 'good' at writing or researching but I can see this attitude as a good example of Carol Dweck's (2000) notion of a fixed mindset. I have so often heard other professional practitioners and educators say as I do - I don't have time to think, thinking is too hard, writing is too difficult, I'm not bright enough... I think in so doing we maintain a damaging fantasy that perfect is possible and if it isnt easy you are not able to succeed at creating something of use. I hope by making some of my imperfect efforts visible I might contribute to the dissolution of the myth.

Dweck, C. (2000) Self-Theories: Their Role in Motivation, Personality, and Development; Hove: Taylor and Francis Group

Wallace, B. & Adams, H. (1993) TASC Thinking Actively in a Social Context. Bicester; A B Academic Publishers.

Whitehead, J. (1989) Creating A Living Educational Theory From Questions Of The Kind, 'How Do I Improve My Practice?' Cambridge Journal of Education, 19(1), 41-52.

These accounts were published, or have been accepted for publication, or have been presented at conferences etc, either alone or with colleagues. 




Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2024) Living Educational Theory Research as an Epistemology for Practice: The Role of Values in Practitioners’ Professional Development. Routledge.



Huxtable, M. (2024) How am I contributing to the development of education, research and pedagogical practices with values of human flourishing? A contribution to the Symposium on ‘Generating an epistemology for educational research from the responsibility of educators and educational researchers to research their own professional development.’, presented to the 2024 Conference of the British Educational Research association 8-12 September 2024


Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2024) Talking locally, connecting globally: Researching inherent paradoxes experienced in practice to enhance individuals and communities learning to flourish as they accept their global responsibilities to help others do so too. Paper presented CARN virtual conference 29 April 2024 11.00-12.00 (BST)


Huxtable, M. (2024) Teachers and teacher educators developing education and pedagogical practices with values of human flourishing in a complex, inter-related world. Draft paper Presentation slides Presented at the ATEE Spring Conference 2024, Bergamo, Italy, 30 June 2024.

Huxtable, M. & Whitehead, J. (2024) A Living Educational Theory Research Approach to Teacher Education professional development in Europe. Proposal Presentation slides Presented at the ATEE Spring Conference 2024, Bergamo, Italy, 30 June 2024.

Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2024). Talking locally, connecting globally: Researching inherent paradoxes experienced in practice to enhance individuals and communities learning to flourish as they accept their global responsibilities to help others do so too. Paper - work in progress. Presented CARN virtual conference 29/4/2024 11.00-12.00 (BST)




Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2023) Why a focus on ‘what is
educational?’ matters so much in reconstructing education?, Irish Educational Studies, DOI:10.1080/03323315.2023.2251451


Huxtable, M. (2023) Research in the real world and reaching out to people and communities through developing a living-educational-theory (values-led) research methodology. Presented at CARN 2023 conference, 26-28 October 2023. Presentation slides

Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2023) Living Educational Theory Research CPD: Practitioners researching to improve the effectiveness of their practice and professionalism as values-inspired practitioners. Workshop presented at BERA conference, 14 Sep 2023.

Huxtable, M. (2023) Developing professional learning to generate values-laden knowledge, which contributes to the common good. Paper presented at IPDA 2023 conference 30 June at Aston University, Birmingham, UK

Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2023) Developing professional learning through collaboration and learning from other professions with living-educational-theories. Paper presented at IPDA 2023 conference 29 June at Aston University, Birmingham, UK

Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2023) Using a Living Educational Theory Research approach to your Community-Based Educational Research to make a values-led, humane difference in a challenging world. Virtual Workshop presented at COMBER General Meeting 28 June 2023

Huxtable, M. & Whitehead, J. (2023) Developing teaching and learning as professional practice of educational-practitioners in Higher Education. Workshop presented at SOLSTICE/CLT Conference Edge Hill University, UK, 14 June 2023

Huxtable, M. & Whitehead, J. (2023) An introduction to developing your Action Research as values-led research that contributes to the flourishing of Humanity locally and globally. Workshop presented at virtual CARN conference 12 May 2023.



Huxtable, M. & Whithead, J. (2022) Enhancing Research Literacy for Educators: A Living Educational Theory Research Approach. Chapter 11 in P. Boyd, A. Szplit & Z. Zbróg (Eds) Developing teachers’ research literacy: International Perspectives. Wydawnictwo LIBRON – Filip Lohner.

Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2022). Developing a Living Educational Theory Research Approach to Community-Based Educational Research. Educational Research for Social Change (ERSC) 11(2), 1-23

Huxtable, M. (2022). Can educational psychology develop to meet the challenges, choices and changes of a 21st century world? Psihološka obzorja (Horizons in Psychology), 31, 453–461. https://doi.org/10.20419/2022.31.553.


Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2022). A workshop on Living Educational Theory Research as transformative work of practitioner educators. Presented virtually IPDA International 2022 Conference

Huxtable, M. & Whitehead, J. (2022). The role of professional learning and Living Educational Theory Research in reimagining our futures together. A paper presentation at the 2022 IPDA International Conference 24-26 November 2022 with the theme ‘Reimagining our futures together: The role of professional learning’

Huxtable, M. (2022). Reimaging our futures together as professional educational practitioners as we develop our professional learning to improve education. Virtual presentation at the IPDA International Conference 24-26 November 2022 Reimagining our Futures Together: The role of professional learning

Huxtable, M. & Whitehead, J. (2022). Enhancing academic citizenship, service and community engagement with Living Educational Theory Research. A virtual presentation to Durban University of Technology’s Annual Learning and Teaching Imbizo, 23rd November 2022.

Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2022). Sustaining and Thriving Transformative Living Educational Theory Research and Practice in Challenging Times and Contexts. The 3rd International Conference on Transformative Educational Research and Sustainable Development (virtual presentation 4-6 November 2022, Nepal)

Huxtable, M. (2022). Action Research, researching values-led actions and changing lives:  Creating and learning from multiple ways of collaborating to change our selves, our communities and societies, for the common good. Presented CARN 2022 conference, National College of Ireland, Dublin. 28th – 30th October 2022,    slides

Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2022) Using technology to spread the systemic educational influences of Living Educational Theory Research with values of human flourishing. Presented BERA conference, Liverpool, 6th Sept 2022.

Capewell, C., Huxtable, M., Whitehead, J. & Fox, A. (2022) Activities for Developing a Living Educational Theory Research Scholarship: A proposal to the Research Methodology SIG of BERA for presentation at the BERA 2022 Annual Conference. Slides. Presented BERA conference, Liverpool, Sept 2022.

Huxtable, M. (2022) What are the practical implications of a university, as an institution of Higher Education, clarifying its educational and values-based purposes? Presentated at SOLSTICE/CLT Conference, Edge Hill University, UK, 29th June 2022. Presentation slides. Proposal

Huxtable, M. (2022) What possibilities and new actions might emerge by expanding living-boundaries between the frontiers of ARNA and other values-led researching communities? Presented virtually at ARNA conference, 2022. Proposal

Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2022) A workshop on the use of Living Educational Theory Research in Expanding the Frontiers of ARNA. ARNA Conference 2022 virtual presentation

Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2022) Proposal for Leadership for Professional Learning Symposium 2022, virtual contribution. Abstract. Artefact.

Huxtable, M. (2022). How are teachers engaging in Living Educational Theory Research to contribute to a more humane world? ATEE 2022 spring conference, Dublin. Presentation slides

Huxtable, M. (2022) How does developing competencies to both read and write educational research enable teachers to contribute to teaching and learning for an inclusive interconnected world? ATEE 2022 Winter Conference Sestri Levante, Italy 20-22 April 2022. Presentation slides

Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2022). How can the living-educational-theories of Teacher Educators promote teaching and learning for an inclusive, interconnected world? ATEE 2022 Winter Conference Sestri Levante, Italy 20-22 April 2022.

Whitehead & Huxtable (2022) Why a focus on ‘What is educational?’ matters so much in reconstructing education? Paper to present at the ESAI virtual Conference




Huxtable & Whitehead (2021) Enhancing Research Literacy for Educators: A Living Educational Theory Research Approach. Chapter 4 in P. Boyd, A. Szplit, Z. Zbróg (Eds) Developing Teachers' Research Literacy. Wydawnictwo LIBRON

Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2021) A Living Educational Theory Research Approach to Continuing Educational, Professional Development. Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny (Education Research Quarterly) 66 (4 (262)): 163-186. Published: 2022-06-15. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31338/2657-6007.kp.2021-4.82021; Accessed from https://kwartalnikpedagogiczny.pl/resources/html/article/details?id=230135

Huxtable, M. & Whitehead, J. (2021) Enhancing Research Literacy for Educators: A Living Educational Theory Research Approach, in Boyd, P., Szplit, A. & Zbróg, Z. (2021) Developing Teachers’ Research Literacy: International Perspective. Wydawnictwo LIBRON – Filip Lohner


COMBER 2nd International Conference 2021 presentation with Jack Whitehead and ppt notes

IPDA Conference 2021 presentation

IPDA Conference 2021 joint presentation with Jack Whitehead

BERA Methodology SIG 2021 joint with Jack Whitehead paper summary key points

BERA 2021 conference presentation

SY.N.THE.SI. The Heuristic Teachers’ Society 2021 conference paper

SY,N.THE.SI, conference jwmhworkshop presentation paper

Worcester 2021 conference presentation

ARNA 2021 conference presentation

ESAI 2021 conference presentation

Whitehead J. & Huxtable, M. (2021)  BERA Research Methodology SIG event on Action Research – Research into Action on virtual presentation 24th November, 2021 Summary key points paper

Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2012) Raising the voices of practitioner-researchers. Workshop presented on the 8th October 2021 at the virtual CARNival conference. 2 minute video recorded summary and other attempt

ATEE 2021 annual conference

Professional educators accepting their professional responsibilities today and in times to come: A Living Educational Theory research approach. Individual presentation

A Living Educational Theory Research Approach to Continuing Educational, Professional Development – Joint presentation with Jack Whitehead

The SY.N.THE.SI. The Heuristic Teachers’ Society 2021 Conference: theme ‘An Outlook in the future: Education in 2030 and the role of the Teacher as a Professional

Professional educators accepting their professional responsibilities today and in times to come: A Living Educational Theory research approach. Individual presentation.

 A Living Educational Theory research approach to CPD for professional educators accepting responsibility to develop praxis with phronesis fit for an unknown future. Jointly presented with Jack Whitehead

And the BERA 2021 annual conference

How can supporting the creation of educational knowledge and spreading its influence contribute to the flourishing of Humanity? Individual presentation.

Professional development through educational research. Jointly presented with Jack Whitehead.

ARNA 2021 Virtual conference - presentation slides



Huxtable, M & Whitehead, J. (2020). Enhancing educational influences in learning with a Living Educational Theory approach to pedagogical Action Research in Higher Education. Educational Action Research. DOI: 10.1080/09650792.2020.1779771



‘How can I contribute to improving opportunities for practitioner-researchers to contribute to and benefit from a global educational knowledgebase whatever their location, discipline or field of practice from a Living Educational Theory research perspective?’ A contribution to the symposium ‘Post-professional Identities, ethics and response-ability beyond professional standards’ presented at the International Professional Development Association, virtual conference 27th-28th November 2020

Symposium: Educational action research conversations that contribute to the flourishing of humanity CARN Virtual Conference October 24th–25th 2020




Huxtable, M. (2019). Living Theory research: Making a difference that matters to Educational Learning and Continual Professional Development. Presentation slides. Presented at the IPDA conference on 29-30 November 2019 at Aston University, Birmingham. UK.

Huxtable, M. (2019). What, why, how and who can contribute to, and benefit from, a global educational knowledgebase?  Paper presentation at BERA SIG conference: Global Perspectives: Re-imagining Education, Worcester, June 2019. (Slides for presentation, although most weren't used)

Chapter in Teachers and Teacher Educations Learning Through Enquiry: International Perspective

Whitehead, J., Delong, J., Huxtable, M., Campbell, L., Griffin, C. & Mounter, J. (2019) Self-Study in Elementary and Secondary Teaching: A Living Theory Approach, in the second edition of the International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education. Dordrecht; Springer (in press)

Mounter, J., Huxtable, M. & Whitehead, J. (2019) Using TASC and Spirals in Living Theory research in explanations of educational influences in a global social movement. Gifted Education International, 35(2); 91-109



Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2018) Recognizing, Developing and Offering Talents as Educational Gifts through Living Theory Research. In Wallace, B. Sisk, D. A. Sisk & Senior, J. (Eds) (2018) The Sage Handbook of Gifted and Talented Education. Chapter 29. pp. 390-404. London: Sage.

Whithead, J. and Huxtable, M. (2018) A Living Theory perspective in educational research on learning and education. Workshop at Special interest groups (Educational Theory and Methods in Learning Research) of European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), 26 August 2018 in the University of Cambridge, UK.

Huxtable, M. (2018) How does a Living Theory research approach to Action Research enhance the understanding, development and integration of personal, professional and political collaborative practice as a contribution to the flourishing of humanity? CARN Bulletin, 20, pp. 17-26.


Huxtable, M. and Whitehead, J. (2018) Living Co-operative Values in Educational Contexts. Paper presented to the Co-operative College, 2 May 2018 in Manchester, UK.

Delong, J., Whitehead, J. and Huxtable, M. (2018). Where do we go from here in contributing to ‘The Action Learning and Action Research Legacy for Transforming Social Change?’  Workshop at the 10th World Congress of the Action Learning, Action Research Association in Norwich University, Vermont, USA.

Huxtable, M. (2018) Supporting professional educational-practitioners to develop research- informed practice and contribute to an educational knowledge base. A paper presented at the Learning Education and Development (LED) Research Centre: Research into Higher Education Conference, University of Cumbria, UK, Wednesday 17 January 2018



Huxtable, M. and Whitehead, J. (2017) Enhancing Professionalism in Education Through Inquiry Learning: A Living Theory Research Approach. In, P. Boyd & A. Szplit (Eds) Teachers and Teacher Educators Learning Through Inquiry: International Perspectives. Kielce–Kraków: Wydawnictwo Attyka.


Huxtable, M. and Whitehead, J. (2017) Producing and sharing living-posters in enhancing professionalism: Generating living-theories and improving practice. A workshop at 42nd ATEE Conference, Changing Perspectives and Approaches in Contemporary Teaching. 23-25 October, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Huxtable, M. (2017). Developing emancipating, inclusive and egalitarian educational praxis through Living Theory research in practice. Presented at 42nd ATEE Conference, Changing Perspectives and Approaches in Contemporary Teaching. 23-25 October, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Huxtable, M (2017). Educational Learning in Informal and Formal Contexts. Presented at the Department of Education, University of Bath, UK, 50th Anniversary conference, 1st July 2017 on International Education and Globalisation.  (presentation slides but most not used)

Whitehead, J., Delong, J. and Huxtable, M. (2017) Participation and Democratization of Knowledge: Living Theory research for Reconciliation from ARNA 2015-ARNA 2017. A presentation at the 2017 Conference of the Action Research Network of the Americas 12-16 June 2017 in Cartagena, Colombia.



Whitehead, J. and Huxtable, M. (2016) Creating a profession of educators with the living-theories of master and doctor educators. Gifted Education International 32(1) 6–25.

Wallace, B., Shaughnessy, M., Huxtable, M. and Whitehead, J. (2016). Educators creating a knowledge-base of a profession of educators. Editorial, Gifted Education International, 32(1) 3–5.

Huxtable, M. and Whitehead, J. (2016). How do we improve our contribution to the professional development of educational practitioners by enacting a self-study methodology? In D. Garbett & A. Ovens (Eds.), Enacting self-study as methodology for professional inquiry. Herstmonceux, UK.  S-STEP.


Huxtable, M. (2016) How does a Living Theory research approach to Action Research enhance the understanding, development and integration of personal, professional and political collaborative practice as a contribution to the flourishing of humanity? A paper for the CARN 2016 Conference Programme at Bishop Grosseteste University in Lincoln, UK with the theme of ‘Integrating the Personal and political in Professional Practice.’

Delong, J., Whitehead, J. and Huxtable, M. (2016) Town Hall: Come and join our live conversation with an international community of practitioner action researchers. ARNA Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Whitehead, J. and Huxtable, M. (2016) What has Living Theory research got to offer professional educators? Paper presented at RIPLE conference University of Cumbria.

Huxtable, M. (2016). Integrating personal, political, and professional educational practice that gives meaning and purpose to my life and work. Educational Journal of Living Theories, 9(2) 1-23.

Huxtable, M. (2016). How does a Living Theory research approach to Action Research enhance the understanding, development and integration of personal, professional and political collaborative practice as a contribution to the flourishing of humanity? A paper for the CARN 2016 Conference Programme at Bishop Grosseteste University in Lincoln, UK with the theme of ‘Integrating the Personal and political in Professional Practice.’

Whitehead, J. and Huxtable, M. (2016) A workshop on creating valid, multi-media explanations of educational influence with personal and political values in professional practice. A paper for the workshop in the CARN 2016 Conference Programme at Bishop Grosseteste University in Lincoln, UK with the theme of ‘Integrating the Personal and political in Professional Practice.’



Whitehead, J. and Huxtable, M. (2015) Creating a profession of educators with the living-theories of master and doctor educators. Gifted Education International. Published online before print March 16, 2015, doi:10.1177/0261429415575836


Huxtable, M. and Whitehead, J. (2015). A Workshop On Living Theory Research: Innovative Research Methods In Researching One’s Own Higher Education. University of Cumbria, 3 June 2015.

Huxtable, M. and Whitehead, J. (2015). How does Living Educational Theory research enable individuals to research into their higher education to improve it and contribute to educational knowledge? Paper presented at BERA HE SIG, Researching into Higher Education: Innovative Research Methods, 8 May 2015, Institute of Education, London.


Huxtable, M. (2014) Exploring the implications of supporting educational research for developing professional practice. A contribution to the symposium on ‘Creating an Educational Epistemology through Living Educational Theories’, at the British Educational Research Association Conference, 23-25th September 2014 at Institute Of Education, University of London.

Whitehead, J. and Huxtable, M. (2014) Generating living-educational-theories From Changing Practices For Changing Times: Past, Present And Future Possibilities Of Self-study Research. In Garbett, D., & Ovens, A. (Eds.), Changing practices for changing times: Past, present and future possibilities for self-study research. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices. Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, England. Auckland, NZ: University of Auckland.


Huxtable, M. (2013) Developing inclusive educational theory practice and provision from an educational perspectivePaper presented at BERA 2013 annual conference at Sussex University 3rd -5th Sept 2013

Huxtable, M. (2013) How do I improve what I am doing with a living theory praxis in engaging with issues of poverty? A paper presented in the Symposium on Creating Educational Theories Which Engage With Issues of Poverty at the British Educational Research Association Conference, 3-5th September 2013 at the University of Sussex.

Huxtable, M and Whitehead, J. (2013) Living-educational-theories as Transformational Continuing Professional Development. A paper presented at the 2013 Conference of the British Educational Research Association Conference at the University of Sussex.

Huxtable, M. (2013) How do I contribute to improving educational theory, practice and provision through developing my living-theory-praxis? Paper presented at BERA 2013 annual conference at Sussex University 3rd -5th Sept 2013.

Huxtable, M. (2013) Using Living-Theory research to investigate and improve practice: a self-study of an educational psychologist accounting for her influence in leading a local authority project. C-SHEN seminar 12-1 pm 23rd Jan 2013 University of Cumbria.

Whitehead, J and Huxtable, M. (2013) Living-Educational-Theory research as transformational CPD. Gifted Education International, September 2013; vol. 29, 3: pp. 221-226. first published on December 10, 2012

Huxtable, M. (2013) How do I create and contribute knowledge that is of social, cultural, academic, professional and personal value through scholarly research? A discussion paper for the Colloquium at Liverpool Hope University 24-27 July 2013 on Researching Our Own Practice.


Huxtable, M. (2012) How do I contribute to the development of inclusive gifted and talented educational theory practice and provision from an educational perspective? Paper presented at the British Educational Research Association Conference   4th-6th September 2012 in Manchester, UK.

Huxtable, M. (2012) How do I improve what I am doing with a living-theory praxis? A presentation in the Symposium on Researching To Improve Educational Practice For The Public Benefit With Living Citizenship And 5X5X5=Creativity at the British Educational Research Association Conference   4th-6th September 2012 in Manchester, UK.


Huxtable, M. (2011) How do I contribute to improving educational relationships, space and opportunities? BERA annual conference 6th – 8th Sept 2011 Institute of Education, London.

Contribution to a symposium ‘Transforming Educational Knowledge through Practitioner-Research’ convened by Prof. Jack Whitehead, Liverpool Hope University. BERA annual conference 6th – 8th Sept. Institute of Education.

Huxtable, M. (2011) Generative and transformational forms of evaluation and accountability of educational practice. Presented at BERA annual conference 6th-8th Sept. Institute of Education, London.

Huxtable, M. (2011) How am I, as an educational practitioner-researcher using new technology to enhance educational learning? Accepted for presentation at the 11th Diverse ( Developing Innovative Visual Educational Resources For Students Everywhere) Conference, Dublin City Univeristy, 28th - 30th June 2011.

Huxtable, M. (2011) Exploring the creation of my living theory as I explore my systemic educational responsibility. Presented at the Value and Virtue in Practice-Based Research. St Johns York University. 1st - 2nd June 2011


Huxtable, M. (2010) Educators and learners co-developing as action researchers. A presentation on the 7th November 2010 to the Collaborative Action Research Network Conference at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge.

Huxtable, M. (2010) Children and Young People as Living Theory Action Researchers. A contribution to ‘Action Research in the Function of Professional Development of Teachers’, part IV of, ‘The Influence of Action Research on Educational Practice of the European Workshop’, 17-20 May 2010, Zagreb, Croatia.

Whitehead, J. and Huxtable, M. (2010) ‘How are we sustaining educational relationships to improve educational practices with teachers and pupils in the generation of educational knowledge?' Presented at the 2010 Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association at the University of Warwick on the 2nd September 2010.

Huxtable, M. (2010) ‘Educational research: Evolving forms of representation, which communicate relationally dynamic energy-flowing values.’ Presented at the 2010 Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association at the University of Warwick on the 1st September 2010.)

Huxtable, M. (2010) Developing inclusive gifted and talented educational theory, practice and provision by implementing passion-led learning and a living personal(ised) curriculum. slides and video of presentation part 1 and part 2 at the Carol Dweck conference.


I am particularly proud of my contribution to Creativity|works, which can be accessed from

Huxtable, M. (2009) Enhancing Creativity in Educational Practice and Teachers Continued Professional Development Through Contributing to Improving Inclusive and Inclusional Gifted and Talented Educational Theory and Practice. pp.128-141. In L. Bognar, J. Whitehead, B. Bognar, M. P. Kraljik, K. Munk (Eds) Encouraging creativity in education: Collection of papers – a Handbook for Current and Future Teachers, "A Creative Approach to Teacher Education", Pozega, Croatia, 27-30 Sept 2009. Retrieved 4 Oct 2009 from http://ejolts.net/node/145

Huxtable, M. (2009) Developing Talents to Create and Offer Knowledge of the Self and the World as Educational Gifts. EJOLTs (Educational Journal of Living Theories) 2 (2) 43-59. Accessed 1st Sept 09 from ejolts.net/node/139

Whitehead, J. and Huxtable, M. (2009) How do we recognise, express, represent and develop talents in the production of gifts for the educational knowledge-base of education? Paper presented at BERA 2009 annual conference 2nd Sept 09

Huxtable, M. (2009) . How does engaging in living theory research help me to I improve my inclusive and inclusional praxis as a member of a Local Authority Children's Service?: Coming to know and improve what I am doing by walking my educational talk. Paper presented at BERA annual conference, University of Manchester 3rd Sept 09.

Huxtable, M. (2009) How do we contribute to an educational knowledge base? A response to Whitehead and a challenge to BERJ. Research Intelligence. 107 (pp.25-26)


gifts, talents and education: a living theory approach

Hymer, B. Whitehead, J. and Huxtable, M. (2009)

Gifts, Talents and Education: A Living Theory Approach.

Chichester; Wiley-Blackwell

(Click on the cover to access final draft or available hard copy from various sites at various cost)

Huxtable, M, Hurford, R. and Mounter, J. (2009)

Creative and Philosophical Thinking in Primary Schools.

London; Optimus Education.

(Click on the cover to access final draft or available hard copy from various sites at various cost)


How can inclusive and inclusional understandings of gifts/talents be developed educationally? draft of chapter accepted for publication in a book edited by Diane Montgomery

Whitehead, J. and Huxtable, M.(2009) How Can Inclusive and Inclusional Understandings of Gifts/Talents Be Developed Educationally. pp. 85-110. in D. Montgomery (Ed.) Able, Gifted and Talented Underachievers, Second Edition. Chichester; Wiley-Blackwell.

 Click on the cover to go to Wiley site which has details.


Huxtable, M. (2008) Living Theory and TASC: A multidimensional, inter and intra relational, flowing knot of enquiry. Paper accepted for Gifted Education International. Vol. 24 Issue 2/3. (I think  it is a step on from where I was 18 months ago when I wrote my educational enquiry where I first thought of a TASC knot rather than a wheel.)

Huxtable, M. (2008) Creating inclusive and inclusional understandings of gifts and talents through Living Educational Theory research. A chapter in

Routledge International Companion to Gifted Education edited by Balchin, T., Hymer, B. and Matthews, D. Abingdon; Routledge.

The book has 39 contributors, some of whom have some very inspiring and generative theory and practice to offer.  I would definitely recommend it.

Click on cover to go to Amazon site for taste inside.

Huxtable, M. (2008) How do I improve my educational practice as I support educators who are
developing inclusive and inclusional theory and practice of gifts and talents
whilst responding to national developments?
Presented at BERA national conference, 5th Sept 08, Heriot-Watt University. Pre-print URI http://www.leeds.ac.uk/educol/documents/174847.doc
Pre-print URI http://www.leeds.ac.uk/educol/documents/174847.pdf

Whitehead, J. and Huxtable, M. (2008) Teacher CPD; an opportunity for teachers to develop their talents and create, value and offer their educational gifts? Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association, 4th September 2008, Heriot-Watt University. Pre-print URI: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/educol/documents/174847.doc
Pre-print URI: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/educol/documents/174847.pdf

Whitehead, J. and Huxtable, M. (2008) The Catalytic Validity of the Living Educational Theories of Self-Study Researchers in Improving Practice and in Creating a New Epistemology of Educational Knowledge. Presented and in the conference proceedings of AERA S-STEP August 2008

(Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2008) The Catalytic Validity of the Living Educational Theories of Self-study Researchers in Improving Practice and in Creating a New Epistemology of Educational Knowledge, in Heston, M. L., Tidwell, D. L., East, K. K. & Fitzgerald, L. M., pp. 313-317. Proceedings of The Seventh International Conferenceon Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices on Pathways to Change in Teacher Education: Dialogue, Diversity and Self-Study. August 3 -7, 2008 Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, England. Cedar Falls, Iowa: University of Northern Iowa.)


Huxtable, M. (2007) How do I know whether I am contributing to an educational world of quality, where children and young people develop the skills and understandings which enable them to live satisfying and productive lives? A paper presented at the BERA 2007 Annual Conference at the Institute of Education, London, 5th - 8th September, 2007. By the time I presented this paper I had just got to understand a possible answer. But I leave it as it was for the time being as it has provided the springboard for where I am going.

Huxtable, M. and Whitehead, J. (2007) How can inclusive and inclusional understandings of gifts/talents be developed educationally? - Presented at the The World Conference For Gifted and Talented Children on From Local Worlds Of Giftedness To Global, 5-10 August 2007, University of Warwick.

The next 3 papers can be found on Education-line which sounds a bit more official than my site should I ever want to reference them.


Jones C, Huxtable M (2006) How can we support educators to develop skills and understandings inclusionally? - Presented at BERA conference Warwick 2006

Huxtable M, Whitehead J (2006) Creating living standards of judgment for practice-based research in the professions through our question, How do i~we improve our educational practices? -  Presented at BERA conference Warwick 2006

Huxtable M (2006) Making public my embodied knowledge as an educational psychologist in the enquiry, How can (do) I improve my practice as a Senior Educational Psychologist? - Presented at BERA conference Warwick 2006

Whitehead J, Huxtable M (2006) How are we co-creating living standards of judgment in action-researching our professional practices? Presented at ALARM PAR conference Groenigen 2006 - multi media version. We also had to produce an abrieviated text version. See what you think - does it communicate as well? How are we co-creating living standards of judgement in action-researching our professional practices? 

Huxtable M (2006) How can I improve my practice through ‘walking the talk’ and ‘dealing with doorsteps’? Masters Educational Enquiry module

2005 and before

Huxtable M (2005) Everyone a Winner - Towards Exceptional Achievement of All , Gifted Education International Vol. 20, No. 1 p. 51-69

Huxtable M (2003) The Elasticated Learner: beyond curriculum learning opportunities in a local authority Gifted Education International Vol 17 No 2 p140

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