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Sources and copyright:

Much of the material shown here is from other sources. I acknowledge them through links and references.

This website endeavours to be accurate, but by its very nature includes family legends and theories. While it is hoped that this prevents valuable considerations being lost in time, caution is advised in treating these as accurate.

I have sourced certificates, registers and other such material from originals in my possession (mainly more recent ones), photocopies passed down to me (of unknown source) and online sources. The latter includes websites such as Scotland's People. In that case I have generally only shown extracts and have acknowledged them. Subsequent researchers should be aware of the copyright restrictions of such websites. 

Photographs and copyright :

I have used inherited photographs, those passed to me by relatives and some that I have taken myself. 

I assert authorship of those taken by me and ownership of the others. You are free to use them, but acknowledgement is expected. None of these are for commercial reproduction.

Where photographs or other documents are from other sources, their sources are acknowledged. Where appropriate, the sources have been approached for reuse and you should do likewise. 

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