
Welcome to The Highland Branch of the

Clarsach Society


For upcoming events including workshops and come-and-try events,

check out our Branch Events Page!

For recent events check out our Recent Events Page

The Clarsach Society is a charity that exists to promote the Scottish harp (clarsach). The Highland Branch is one of eleven branches within the Society, which help to coordinate players and teachers in local areas, and occasionally offer concerts and workshops. Check out our Branch Events page to see what is coming up in the Highlands, or the Recent Events to see what we've done recently.


Membership is open to all persons of any age or ability, including non-players. To find out about joining or getting lessons click on the 'join the branch' and 'tutors' links.


As the Clarsach Society was founded during the 1931 Mod at Dingwall, it is especially fitting that the Highland Branch continues to promote the playing of traditional music on Scottish harps throughout the Highlands. 


If you would like to stay up to date with clarsach society events happening in the Highlands then give us a 'like' on our Facebook page here.


We have a fantastic comittee made up of harp enthusiasts, professionals, and hobbyists of all ages who keep things running in the Highland branch. We will keep you updated of what's going on after each comitee meeting. You are welcome to join our committee, keep your eye out for our next Annual AGM (usually held in September in Cromarty).


Any comments or questions feel free to contact our committee members or drop us a note in the feedback section.

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