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LEJOG 2016

by Rob Shaw - 13:37 on 11 March 2016

In May 2016 Rob, Colin and Sam will be cycling from Lands End to John O Groats in 9 days, for charity. To support us please follow the link below 



More blog info will appear here once we get underway.

Comment from Rob shaw at 10:08 on 10 April 2016.
Training started yesterday with a 75 Mile ride to/from Fort Augustus to Inverness. Coffee at Foyers, Haggis pie and scotch pie and tea/coffee in Fort Augustus and then snacks on the move until a quick frenzied cycle through Inverness, out by the harbour and round to the rowing club.

Sore knee later in the day and Sunday so far looking at bike accessories, jackets and helmets on the internet.
Comment from rob shaw at 14:42 on 17 April 2016.
Sunday 17 April - Training continuing with a ride into the wind out to Kinlochewe yesterday, Colin and myself. Colin rode back from the top of glen docherty, and i got a lift back.

Out for a 30 today with a quick out via Fearn Station to Tain and back along the back road into a howling gale.

4 weeks to go now, getting rather real. Need to get the bike indexed and ready for the etape next week.

Better news is that Sam's bike is now rebuilt and he managed 45 yesterday and 25 today.

Onwards and upwards....

Comment from rob at 16:48 on 01 May 2016.
two weeks to go now! Etape last weekend and then cycled back to Culbokie with Colin to rack up 81 miles, and then this weekend was Culbokie to Cannich, back via Culnakirk and Beauty and Muir of Ord for a decent 61 miles.

Knee is holding up so far, and so just time to squeeze another couple of long rides in before the start.
Comment from rob at 09:44 on 08 May 2016.
Sunday, 4 days to go. Bad back today from extreme gardening yesterday. reality dawning now on the small matter of cycling 100 miles per day, with one set of clothes the length of the UK!

Sleeper train thursday, GWR to Penzance, then 48 miles to Newquay on friday evening. Will regroup there and send another epistle....
Comment from rob at 17:37 on 12 May 2016.
well this is it! Off in three hours on the sleeper! Sunny and warm in the highlands and now looking forward to getting on with it. 1,000 miles by train and then 1,000 miles by bike.
Comment from Rob at 21:09 on 13 May 2016.
Day 1 knocked off in balmy weather. 4 hours riding, now enjoying a cool beer in captain jacks Newquay. More tomorrow!
Comment from Sue Snow at 09:48 on 14 May 2016.
Well done guys - you're on your way! Try to grab a few moments to admire the ever changing views every day x
Comment from Rob at 06:57 on 15 May 2016.
Day 2 started with an extra mile round Newquay bypass - no local knowledge! Then a pleasurable but gruelling trek through the bye ways of north Cornwall. Late refuelling at Kelly's brae farm cafe - excellent - and binned the small roads to go Tavistock, okehampton and crediton. When we entered Devon the sun came out, and so did hobbits and faeries! Quick pint at the fountain in okehampton to discover still 30 to go, so bought 8 snickers in crediton. Tough last 10 but gorgeous weather and scenery. Tiverton didn't disappoint with fish and chips and beer!
Comment from Alice at 19:23 on 15 May 2016.
Clifton and Severn bridge crossings today, well done. Just the Forth Road, Kessock and Cromarty bridges await you!
Comment from Rob at 04:17 on 16 May 2016.
4am! Coleford arrival 745m last night, poor phone signal. Fantastic days riding including Glastonbury and wells, Bristol and the Severn crossing. Sunburnt. 105 miles done, onwards to Crewe soon.....
Comment from Rob at 22:43 on 16 May 2016.
113 miles today from Forest of Dean to Crewe via Hereford, Ludlow, Shrewsbury and Whitchurch. Hot and sunny but with a strong northerly head wind and lots of traffic. 14.5 average so not bad with 350 miles in the legs. Nice double family catch up in Crewe and now glowing in the hotel room. Kendal tomorrow after 109 miles....
Comment from Sue at 22:56 on 16 May 2016.
Well done guys, keep it up!
Comment from Rob at 22:12 on 17 May 2016.
Well today was a flattish stroll through the midlands and into the north, starting with Cheshire farms and ending in the lakes. Sam had sore Achilles most of the way, so steady pace, but took in most towns, eg Warrington, Wigan, Bolton, Chorley, Preston, Lancaster and then into brigsteer and a 1 in 8 hill finish for the 101 mileage! Fantastic meal at the wheatsheaf.

Star turn and special mention of the day goes to Stuart who drove from north wales to take our bags from Crewe and waited at the finish for us.

Good spirits all round, despite the rain, which has freshened everything up for an assault on kirkstone pass tomorrow. Half way and Scotland awaits!!
Comment from Rob at 22:11 on 18 May 2016.
Today dawned with a downpour, but the log fire in the bunkhouse warmed the soul. A few up and down back roads before Windermere, and then up kirkstone, down through patterdale to trout beck, round to greystoke, and coffee, and carlisle for lunch.

Refreshed, up to Gretna for a few photos at the border, then a time trial to Moffat via drinks at Lockerbie.

We got wet in the last hour, but quick turnaround for a great Italian meal, then bed in prep for a big 116 tomorrow.

Special mentions to David today who trained it down to Carlisle and sat on the front for big spells (being fresh). He has joined for the half-le jog with a full Scottish.
Comment from Rob at 21:07 on 19 May 2016.
A day of two halves! Moffat to auld Trekkie in under 4. Great lunch in Edinburgh, rain started. Bought a gore jacket in Edinburgh bike, met Nicky from SAMH for photos in grass market. Coffee at the bridges. So far so good! Elbow on the earphones, first cycle across the bridge, quick look across at rosy the, still good. Even Fife was ok.

Heavens opened in Milnathort. Chain gang to Perth in a downpour. Then tanking round the cycle path when Sam punctured in sight of huntingtower- cue shivering etc.

Second puncture near bank foot so Sam called in team Leon to the rescue. The troops rolled into Birnam at 830 precisely in bright sunshine. 115 miles done. 125 tomorrow. Nuff said....
Comment from Sue and Will at 21:54 on 19 May 2016.
Penultimate day coming up - you're nearly home. Keep it up and we may see you out on 2 wheels somewhere (near here) tomorrow x
Comment from Jim Holden at 22:14 on 19 May 2016.
Magnificent effort chaps! Very impressed with your ability to cycle then blog too. See you in Evanton where we'll join you for a bit.
Comment from Charles dickens at 07:38 on 20 May 2016.
"I've changed spirit, I'm not the man I was".

Spirit - "you will be visited by two more ghosts, the first today between 830 and 9pm, and the second tomorrow between 9am and 6pm".

"No spirit, just let me get a lift home".

At this the spirit just pointed a bony finger at the national cycle route sign.

To be continued.....
Comment from rob at 21:18 on 20 May 2016.
Rolled into Evanton at 855pm tonight after a successful day in the saddle. Puncture for Colin early doors at Blair Atoll, severe head winds all the way to Newtonmore and then a lucky time trial session to Aviemore, Mountain Cafe refuel, grunt to Slochd, round by Moy, Tesco Inches Petrol Station for the now famous Gingsters pasty and chocolate milk, met up at the bridge for paparazzi and team Seat Support. Will and Sue waiting at the middle of the brigand a nice social attack on the black isle.

Bid Colin farewell at the Culbokie Inn and a chase against the light across the Cromarty Firth, for a nice ride home.

Dangermouse then knocked out another 4km to make sure his Strava says 200km for the day.

All the best, final chapter tomorrow!
Comment from Sue and Will at 23:28 on 20 May 2016.
Well done guys - great team effort. 'Enjoy' tomorrow and enjoy Sunday even more! :-)
Comment from rob at 05:23 on 22 May 2016.
Apologies for the late blog entry!

Rolled into JOG yesterday just before 7pm under blue skies and a nice cooling gale from the SW/W, after a gruelling day which included drizzle, light rain, biblical rain and cold (there was even a hint of sleet somewhere near Helmsdale), and cross-winds, before clearing up rapidly about Berriedale.

The last day was made much more pleasurable by a huge raft of support and some much needed front work from Jim, Paul, (Evanton to the Mound) Ian, Eric (Evanton to JOG) and Harriet (last 10 miles), and the ever present wonderful support crew and behind scenes fixers - Alice, Harriet and Ruth, who drove the vehicles for the repatriation afterwards, served up drinks and cakes and provided general encouragement, (especially at Lybster, which is very near the end of the world)

Just over 100 for the Evanton starters, and a catch-up 6 miles extra for the Culbokie crew made the grand total about 1,000 miles in 8.5 days - more stats and photos on the main page later.

The lovely lady from Natural Retreats even appeared and issued medals and certificates and had a nice chat and took an active interest in the charities supported, and the whole finish experience was very enjoyable with some good friends, tasty Prosecco (4 bottles) and crunchy Mackies crisps thrown in.

Danger Dave had a spoke blow about Helmsdale, which gave him his "incident" for the day, but he managed a very creditable Carlisle to JOG after finishing his finals last week, so well done to him.

The ride home was punctuated with an excellent chip shop stop in Wick and friendly staff and for me a double haggis, mushy peas and mayonnaise supper (yes it has to be done). Arrival back at Ranch was about 10pm, and Alice pulled a blinder with the driving, and it was a long way back (as i kept telling everyone apparently).

Many thanks to all the other helpers, dog-sitters, well-wishers, parents, friends and family for the good wishes and congratulations.

The backside seems a bit more sore today, as do the knees but on the whole pretty good shape and 8 century rides knocked off and some great sites (and sights!) seen and experienced and all still speaking, so all good then......

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