

Cowal Dog Training Club is located on Hunter Street, Kirn, Dunoon.  We meet every Monday and Tuesday evenings for the various training packages we run.  The club location is shown on the map below:


Should you wish to email us please do so using the following email address and we will respond as soon as possible:


Or should you wish to speak to a Committee member, please see their contact details below:

Cowal Dog Training Club Committee

Agnes Campbell         01369 705143

Sheila Gray                01369 702005

Assistant Treasurer
Brian Gray                 As above

Vice Chair
Christine Bell            01369 701797

Cathy Proctor           01369 704944

Other Committee Members
Hilary Barr                01369 840330
Gavin Proctor           As per Cathy’s contact details
Carolyn Pearce         01369 706241
Jo McDill                  07778 629591
Alison Spy                01369 830197
Stella Condy             07845 740762
Helen Cooper            07706 215294
Jan Thompson           07964 749749



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