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19 August 2024Closing of Green + Presley Cup event

Beauly Bowling Club will run the "Closing of the Green" event on Saturday 21st September at 2pm.
However, the club will be hosting the Ex-Presidents "Presley Cup" event on Sunday 22nd September from 2pm as previously arranged.

Spectators are always welcome to come along & watch.


19 August 2024Beauly Bowling Club win Coats Cup 16thAug 2024

Beauly Bowling Club won the annual Floodlit Coats Cup against Glenurquhart BC on Fri 16th Aug.  (4 rinks to 0).  A great game with thanks to Chris Perkins, Allan Lemon and Mary Donaldson for organising the teams to play.

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19 August 2024

10 August 2024Highland Disability Bowls (Team Highland) group

What a great game of Bowls against "Highland Disability Bowls (Team Highland) group on 10th August at Beauly Bowlnig Club. Thanks so much to Isabel Reid and Mark Drain for organising the game. Although it was a tight game over 12 ends Beauly just won eventually. The best thing was we all enjoyed it and even the sun came out!

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06 July 2024Gala Pairs Event

Summer 24 to date has been a definite disappointment but it was perfect bowling weather for the Beauly Gala Week Pairs Competition organised and held at Beauly Bowling Club on Friday, and the good weather inspired some great bowls.

A 10PM start saw 10 teams from a number of local teams including Muir of Ord, Conon & Maryburgh, Dingwall , Glenurquhart, Ex Presidents and others compete in a round robin format to qualify for the semi-finals in the afternoon. The warm weather certainly seemed to encourage some inspired bowls and keenly contested games.

The semi-finals, saw Beauly pair Gordon Walker (last year winner but this year paired with Beauly’s Derek Flynn) face Angus Shearer and Mike Murray (Ex Presidents). The Ex Presidents pair were cruising to a place in the final until a disastrous 5 on the penultimate end and despite clawing a shot back on the last end, the Beauly pair progressed to the final on the narrowest of margins.

In the other semi-final another Beauly pair, Tony Boyland and David Barnes faced John Meharry and David Oag (Dingwall BC)) again the visitors appeared to be in charge until the penultimate end when a 4 gave the Beauly pair the lead and ultimately the match.

In the final Tony and David dominated their fellow Beauly opponents to take the title – a terrific performance by Tony and David who were unbeaten throughout the day.

Jackson Grant, the Beauly Gala Prince (and whose great grandparents -the Kerrs - were Beauly Bowling Club champions in the 1950s and 60’s) was fittingly on hand to present the prizes and the winner’s trophy to Tony and David.

Thank you to all from the club who helped in the preparation and on the day and a big thank you to the bowlers from all the clubs that attended who made it a great day of bowls and quality chat.

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