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Location and Access to Beauly Bowlng Club is about  70 meters South-West of the town centre on the A862, behind the Phipps Hall and directly opposite Heathmount House
Click for an Access Map (Main Road).  (IV4 7EH).
Click for Picture of Phipps Hall.  

Parking. There are limited parking spaces in front of the Phipps Hall.  If that is full, the best place to park is in Braeview Car Park a little further down the road and then a short walk from there in front of the Shinty Club to the Bowlnig Club behindThere is no time-limit or charges for parking anywhere in Beauly.

Visitors.   Visitors are always welcome to watch or play.  We charge £2.50 for non-members to play on our 'open evenings' (Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays at 7pm start time see home page) and players should wear flat shoes.

We are Members of:   Scottish Bowling Association,  District 1,
Inverness and the Highlands

Our full postal address (not access address) is:
Beauly Bowling Club

Croyard Park

Tel: Club Sercretary:   Richard Sawicki (Mobile) 07717 414728

Click for Map
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