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Auditing of Service Charge Accounts
I would like to highlight a document by the Institute of Chartered Accountants for England and Wales on the Guidance on Accounting and Reporting in relation to Service Charge Accounts, TECH 03/11.

The document details the responsibilities of not only the accountants carrying out the audit but also the declarations that the management agent has to make to the accountants as part of their engagement (Appendix H).

If you have any concerns about the misstatement or errors in the audited accounts, then collect the evidence and documentation and if the management company ignores your concerns, report it directly to the auditors. They should listen. I believe that as the accountants are independent from the management company, they have a responsibility to investigate any concerns and hold the management company to account. They are also regulated by the FCA. The FCA is prepared to fine accounting firms if they do not carry out audits correctly.

The FCA Annual Review of Audit Quality 2024 makes interesting reading. The review includes BDO who until recently were auditors for Firstport's Service Charge accounts.

Posted by Chris on 26 September 2024
Thank you Chris for your most informative and very helpful post. It is very much appreciated.
Posted by The Editor on 26 September 2024
Hi Chris

I reported to the accountants that carry out our SC that I believed false invoices were being supported to support spurious expenditure.. They did nothing so i reported to them to the ICAEW who were very nice but said that SC audits were not subject to the same rigour as business accounts so anything goes….Before our management agency took over we had a terrific accountant who checked every dot and comma. They were sacked because they advised the directors that they should keep complete autonomy over the companies finances ……,Wise words indeed….
Posted by Kim on 26 September 2024
When does a URANG “ Handy man “ become a qualified plumber?
Dear Mr Editor,

Hear me out!

My Tenant informed me on Friday last that a plumber had visited and told get not to use the washing machine as a leak was next door… I asked who the plumber was and was told that WESTBURY RESIDENTIAL LTD ‘ organised the plumber. Alarm bells rang. WR are only contracted to deal with the common parts and not individual flats (thank the good Lord for that) Anyway, best get on with it! It transpires the leaseholder of the flat contacted WR to sort out a plumber Most irregular in my opinion…. Anyway, thanks to my tenant I knew what was going on and alerted by fellow leaseholders…I wrote to WR asking what was what! It transpires that they had arranged for URANG cleaning and maintenance department to “ replace waste pipes under some flats mine included, using the excuse that they were “ sloping the wrong way and needed a re-do”. Never mind there had been no problem with the pipes for 39 years! Cost 4K !

I am clearly not happy with this assessment by the URANG “ Handy man” and asked if he was a fully qualified accredited plumber…No answer.Luckily I took a snapshot of this persons LinkedIn profile which makes clear he is a “ Handy Man”…I googled his name but nothing under plumber..

I have informed WR and URANG hierarchy that I do not want a Handy man doing a ‘ Re-do’ of the waste pipes under my flat when there is no evidence that this is necessary…What concerns me greatly is that when I told WR / URANG that I knew the chap was a handy man and not a plumber His LinkedIn page was deleted….

In addition, WESTBURY RESIDENTIAL LTD name is not on the URANG ‘ report’ as the Management Company. The handy man wrote the report. A neighbouring building was listed as the Management company. Why do you think that WR didn’t want to show that it was using URANG….Thats a tough one for you..I can only hope that my words have been heeded otherwise URANG , WR and the Handy man will be visiting Tribunal. Shocking conduct from an LKP accredited firm.

Posted by Kim on 24 September 2024
Well done! I hope you manage to get it sorted. I realise how fortunate we are to have excellent managing agents.
Posted by RUTH on 24 September 2024

Are Urang a part of Urangutan Limited?

Posted by Stephen Burns on 25 September 2024
As an NVQ2 qualified plumber, I find this odd , I would be asking for before and after pictures of said problem and go from there.
Posted by the holy mole on 25 September 2024
Hi Ruth thank you.It is my understanding that WR/ URANG had to appoint proper plumbers to carry out the work… It took 1 day instead of 2. The leak has been fixed , not sure what problem was. Still waiting for Westbury Residential Ltd to spill the beans! I kicked up such an almighty stink, and had evidence the chap masquerading as plumber is on fact in fact the “ Handy Man”….I will keep you posted!

Hi Stephen, I could attempt a shot at being witty by saying in my opinion, URANG Ltd does not have the intelligence of a URANGATAN…. But given my Journalistic bent, I checked companies house for URANGATAN Ltd and found it was a company in Derby which had been dissolved .So I think the answer to your question is no.

Hi Holy Mole,

I can honestly say that I and my fellow shareholders dodged a bullet when I found out about this …A “ Handy Man” portrays himself as a plumber to the tenant, writes a report saying “ the pipes are sloping in the wrong way so need a re-do as may be the problem for the blockage” …he signs his report as an “ Engineer “. ..Shocking really.We have never had a problem with pipes leaking in our block for 40 yrs!

My question is this, chunks of ceiling were found to be smashing the pipes of the flat affected by the leak.
The tenants on the top floor carried out extensive 2 year refurbishment of their flat without permission. They were not living in the flat for 2 years as the work was so extensive ….There clearly was no regulation…Could this work have caused blockage in the system?
The shareholders have only just found out about this work….I believe the integrity of the building has been compromised hence ceiling chunks smashing on the waste pipes…What’s your take on this as a qualified professional plumber?

Posted by Kim. on 25 September 2024
Hi Kim,

I am not a qualified trades person. It may be worth while considering engaging the services of a qualified surveyor with a view to obtaining a schedule of works for the next five years for the property that you all call home.

The surveyor should be instructed to justify the reason (s) for works that are required in order of priority and estimates of approximate cost (s) for each project.

Once you are in receipt of that information other avenues of redress may be available, in my opinion.

Posted by Stephen Burns on 25 September 2024
Hi Stephen,

My priority is getting rid of Westbury Residential Ltd, whether it’s by shareholder vote or by S24 at Tribunal.
Posted by Kim on 26 September 2024
Hi Kim its possible that debris from the refurbishment ie ceiling plaster entered the Toilet pan or sink waste this followed by other waste ie plaster and water mixed in the system may have been to blame , either way I would have thought the flat owners would have to foot the bill ?
Posted by The holy mole on 26 September 2024
Firstport Off To A Flyer!
In order to mitigate their development losses particularly in the retirement sector, one enterprising Firstport worthy has sent out flyers to various developments that have gone Right to Manage extolling the virtues of having Firstport as their managing agents.
Apart from the fact that everyone of the claims made by this individual concerning the attributes of Firstport are demonstrably false, the flyer is presented in a very amateurish manner, with the writing at an angle and with words misspelt.
Had the flyer been a school homework project instead of a professional advertorial doubtless the teacher would have scrawled "See me!" in red ink at the bottom of the page!
Posted by The Editor on 23 September 2024
Time to Say Goodbye!
As we move towards implementation of the 2024 leasehold reforms and another set of reforms that transforms us to commonhold are on the way it is time for me to say "Goodbye"
It has taken LKP and NLC to get this far. There is still a lot to do.
Don't worry folks it's not the editor saying goodbye or this site.
That "honour" falls to Martin Boyd as he quits the social media group X (twitter).
Given the previous conduct of Mr Boyd About Firstport will not mourn the retrenchment from his public facing role that Mr Boyd has had to make, but we can sympathise with the blow to his planet sized ego this move will entail.
Posted by The Editor on 22 September 2024
Dear Mr Editor,

Come, come, and please elaborate as to what Boyd is say “ Goodbye “ to…

Is it “Goodbye" to his repugnant character. Is it “ Goodbye “ to his Chilean size ego? Is it “ Goodbye
to his jammy little job at
Lease? Is it Goodbye “to the rubbish charidee LKP? Whatever it is then riddance to that jumped up little toad!
Posted by Kim on 22 September 2024
At the moment all that can be confirmed is that it is just a "goodbye" from X (twitter) but it is expected that more "Goodbyes" will follow.
It is the firm belief of About Firstport that by his actions Martin Boyd has corrupted the cause of leasehold reform. One would think from his vainglorious statement that only LKP/NLC have fought for leasehold reform for the last 15 years.
Posted by The Editor on 23 September 2024
Dear Mr Editor.

Indeed, his “ vainglorious “ statement neglects to say that LKP subjected me to the most horrific racist and misogynistic treatment…in addition LKP accredits management agencies that are run by ex PEVEREL/ COUNTY ESTATE MANAGEMENT politburo.
Posted by Kim on 23 September 2024
Well said Mr Editor!
Posted by RUTH on 23 September 2024
Full time Resident Manager
Can a full time resident manager have another Job?
Posted by Curious on 22 September 2024
Provided the residential manager fulfils their contracted hours obligations the answer is yes.
Given the very low rates of pay offered by Firstport it would surprise me if several residential managers did not have part time jobs.
That said, a few years ago a residential manager set up a cleaning company and her area manager awarded her contracts to clean other local developments as well as the development that she was the manager of.
It all went wrong however, when a resident visiting a friend saw an expensive steam cleaner that was owned by the resident's development was seen to be being used at another development.
The excuse given by the development manager was that "My brother and I have only just set up the cleaning company and we couldn't afford to buy new equipment yet!"
Posted by Michael Epstein on 22 September 2024
I can confirm that our property manager has a second job. After he was sacked from his previous property manager role, he retrained as a ... wait for it ... firefighter... before joining FirstPort (very apt!). His Linkedin profile confirms that he is both property manager and retained firefighter.
Posted by GWJ on 24 September 2024
The Warden/Alarm Call Conundrum!
Posted on 22 September 2024
A Few Days Of Self Maintenance!
Posted on 08 September 2024
The Digital Trap!
Posted on 08 September 2024
Fancy A Job With Firstport?
Posted on 06 September 2024
Unserviced Car Park
Posted on 02 September 2024
The Easiest RTM Ever!
Posted on 30 August 2024
Fear of RTM's?
Posted on 29 August 2024
The Post!
Posted on 28 August 2024
PWC Fined!
Posted on 27 August 2024
Posted on 26 August 2024
When is an S20:Notice a RIP OFF?
Posted on 26 August 2024
Posted on 24 August 2024
Digital switch over
Posted on 24 August 2024
2 DD's Good 3 DD's Bad!
Posted on 23 August 2024
Leaseholder Action Clarification
Posted on 21 August 2024
Reserve Fund
Posted on 11 August 2024
Fred Port's Mondeo!
Posted on 10 August 2024
The Need For Regulation
Posted on 08 August 2024
Pay Slip Charges
Posted on 07 August 2024
INSURANCE .35% commission.
Posted on 07 August 2024
Number of Complaints to Firstport
Posted on 07 August 2024
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