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Shop Pavlik Harness Protectors®
Bumper Packs and orders of multiple pairs are available in any combination of fabrics on this page, just drop us a line with your choices!
Shipping within the UK is free, please get in touch before ordering from outside the UK.
 Spica Protectors Benefits: ✨ designed and shaped to fit under the Spica cast ✨ soft cotton next to baby's skin ✨ waterproof layer for extra protection from leaks ✨ easy to fit onto the cast when it is on your baby ✨ if the cast gets soggy, Spica Protectors provide a soft, dry fabric against the skin ✨ easy to remove from the cast, and ✨ machine washable!
 Bumper Pack Our Bumper Pack contains:
3 pairs of original Pavlik Harness Protectors®, and a set of 3 Protectors for the front and sides of the chest strap.
The three pairs of original Protectors will fit the front, rear or shoulder straps and are soft cotton with a light waterproof backing.
The three chest strap Protectors will cover the front and sides of the chest strap. They are cotton with a brushed cotton backing.
Available in your choice of any of the fabrics shown below, just let us know your preference! £45.00
 Two Pairs, any style. Two pairs of original Pavlik Harness Protectors®.
These two pairs of original Protectors will fit the front, rear or shoulder straps and are cotton with a waterproof backing.
Available in your choice(s) of fabric, just let us know your preference (shown - green stars and hearts n flowers)! £25.00
 Chest Strap Protectors Three Protectors for the chest strap.
The three chest strap Protectors are shaped to fit the front and sides of the chest strap. They are cotton with a brushed cotton backing.
Available in your choice of fabric, just let us know your preference! £20.00
 Pink Rainbows Pair Features: ✨ designed and shaped to fit around the Pavlik leg and shoulder straps, ✨ cotton next to baby's skin, ✨ waterproof layer for extra protection from leaks, ✨ easy to fit onto the harness when it is on your baby, ✨ easy to remove from the harness, and ✨ machine washable! £15.00
 Green Stars Pair One pair of original Pavlik Harness Protectors®.
This pair of original Protectors will fit the front, rear or shoulder straps and are cotton with a waterproof backing.
Soft mint green with grey stars cotton fabric. £14.00
 Pink Stars Pair Benefits: ✨ designed and shaped to fit around the Pavlik leg and shoulder straps, ✨ cotton next to baby's skin, ✨ waterproof layer for extra protection from leaks, ✨ easy to fit onto the harness when it is on your baby, ✨ easy to remove from the harness, and ✨ machine washable! £15.00
 Crocodile Covers Pair One pair of original Pavlik Harness Protectors®.
This pair of original Protectors will fit the front, rear or shoulder straps and are cotton with a waterproof backing.
Soft red crocs cotton fabric.
 Pink Writing Pair Benefits: ✨ designed and shaped to fit around the Pavlik leg and shoulder straps, ✨ cotton next to baby's skin, ✨ waterproof layer for extra protection from leaks, ✨ easy to fit onto the harness when it is on your baby, ✨ easy to remove from the harness, and ✨ machine washable!
Writing reads: love, faith, hope. £15.00
 Blue Letters Pair One pair of original Pavlik Harness Protectors®.
This pair of original Protectors will fit the front, rear or shoulder straps and are cotton with a waterproof backing.
Soft blue letters cotton fabric. £14.00
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All fabric against your baby's skin is cotton jersey and much softer than the harsh webbing of the Pavlik Harness.
All Pavlik Harness Protectors® are handmade in Scotland.