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- 7 filesDocuments
- 550kb2012
- 108kb2020-during-covid-19-good-friday.docx
- 100kbchurch-finance-graphic-2022-final.pdf
- 2273kbcontact2022-05finaldraft.pdf
- 71kbcpmf2019-1.pdf
- 214kbcpp-data-protection-policy-june-2019.pdf
- 12kbwhatsapp-joining-for-on-website.docx
- 3 filesceltic-morning-midday-and-evening-prayers
- 9 filescontact-magazine
- 779kbcontact-2023-03-april-may.pdf
- 911kbcontact-april-may-2022-03final.pdf
- 918kbcontact-aug-sept-2023-final.pdf
- 865kbcontact-dec-jan-2023.pdf
- 1973kbcontact-june-july-2023.pdf
- 694kbcontact2022-04seconddraft.pdf
- 2273kbcontact2022-05finaldraft.pdf
- 607kbcontact2022-06fourthdraft.pdf
- 1012kbcontact2023-01-final.pdf
- 1 fileelectoral roll application
- 3 filespcc-minutes
- 180kbapproved-minutes-6.1.2020-pcc-weare-churchrooml.pdf
- 83kbproposal_for_the_conservation_of_medieval_rendering_to_outside_walls_for_pcc_consideration_and_vote[1].docx
- 89kbproposal_for_the_re-location_of_the_garden_of_rememberance_pcc_consideration_and_vote[1].docx
- 2 filescrook-peak-apcm-october-19th-2020
- 4 filespcc minutes 2013
- 4 filespcc-minutes-2018
- 4 filespcc-minutes-2019
- 0 filespcc-minutes-2020
- 2 filespcc-minutes-2021
- 0 filessermons
- 1 filespecial events