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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 17/11/2024.

Please use the sub-menu for further information re. IBRA

This link has been recommended by a young American lad, Anthony, who went to Bug Camp at the end of the summer and hasn't stopped talking about how much he loved it! He had so much fun learning all about different kinds of insects and making new friends. He said it was the highlight of his summer – he really enjoyed learning about bugs and collecting them! He found our website, with the Links page, very useful and offered us the link to the Lulus website. 

Details of Beebase & Inspectors can be found here

Honey Show Classes and Rules 2024 can be found here

April 2023 following the AGM members were entertained and exercised with a bee related 40 question quiz

2023 The story of the Brahan Bee shed can be found here, a salutary lesson learnt for the Committee.

Details of Chain Bridge Honey Farm can be found here.  

April 2023 Boat Race fund raising

December 2022 Another link sent to us by a school group who find our pages useful. A general information regardng honey bees. 

September 2022 Homeowner’s Guide to a Bee-Friendly Backyard and Garden. This link https://bramlettresidential.com/blog/supporting-bee-conservation-at-home/ has been provided by Marisa Probst, Outreach Coordinator, Bramlett Real estate in the hope that members will find it of interest.

This link has been sent to us from an online class who found our website helpful. It offers advice on creating a bee-friendly garden.

"At the hive entrance" Hans Storch

This book is available on-line here

We have, again, received a message from America thanking us for a useful website and have been asked to include this link which they found very useful. It covers the subject of pollination and the improvement to our gardens.


Ann Chilcott's Blog website usually contains interesting material. Well worth exploring.

Why Bees and Pollination are so important.

An interesting link recommended by a family who found our website useful to them in this time of COVID-19 crisis. This is the link and this link is to the content of their email. 

To see the Thornes catalogue click here.

A homeowner's guide to bee identification

This link will take you to a page that will be of interest to beginners. 

New website link to the American "A Guide to Bringing Up Bees in Your Own Backyard".

This link will take you to the site. You will need to confirm that you are not a robot :-)

HACCP plan for the production of honey

This link will take you to the above document. Courtesy of Shires Vineyard and Apiary October 2012.

"Guidance for honey packers"

This link will take you to the document produced by Highland Council Environmental Health

National Honey Monitoring scheme

This link will take you to the website of the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology giving details of their Honey Monitoring Scheme.

Local supplier of labels

Speedprint, Unit 3, Lotland Place, Inverness is highly recommended. Can be contacted through www.speedprintdigital.co.uk and the email address is info@speedprintdigital.co.uk  .

Varroa treatment calculator

Click on this link which will take you to the BeeBase website home page.  In the list under "Contents" click on "Bee Pests, Diseases & Maps" and click on "Varroa Calculator".  It seems fairly straightforward to use.

Beeproof suits

Bee Proof Suits
Online retailer of beekeeper's clothing. Bee Proof Suits range includes full protective bee suits and separate jackets and trousers. All orders delivered free.

Inverness Beekeepers Association

The website for the Inverness Beekeepers' Association can be accessed from here.

Varroa mapping survey

Click on this link to reach the SBA varroa mapping survey page.

Video of bee cleaning itself

Follow this link to the video.

BeeBase web site

Follow this link to access to BeeBase which is the National Bee Unit website.

Honey recipe website

The following website is under development and is concentrating solely on honey recipes;

Easter Ross Beekeepers' Association


British Beekeepers' Association BBKA

A very interesting site, especially the "Support Boards"

BeeCraft Journal

Award winning beekeeping magazine www.bee-craft.com
Official newsletter of the BBKA
To subscribe to this journal visit www.bee-craft.com/shop
Click on "Journal Subscriptions"

Scottish Beekeepers' Association





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