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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 07/06/2011.

Top Left Corner

Assynt is in the north west highlands, up in the Top Left Corner of Scotland, Great Britain and Europe. We are also interested in the way much creative and artistic work gets going from the top left corner of the page. And the fact that our acronym, TLC, also means tender loving care, is not a co-incidence. We look forward to welcoming you here to Assynt, the place Norman MacCaig said, quite rightly, is 'this most beautiful corner of the land'. 

Getting here by public transport

For creative retreat participants, please let us know if you are coming by public transport and we will collect you from Lochinver to bring you to Glencanisp Lodge.

The nearest airport and main rail station is Inverness.

The most exciting way to get to Lochinver from Inverness is to take the 10.38 train to Lairg, which is met by the postbus (Monday to Saturday) to Lochinver post office, arriving at 14.00.

There is also a bus (961) from Inverness at 15.00 (Monday to Friday), or 15.40 (Saturday), changing at Ullapool to bus (67a), leaving 16.37 (Mon-Fri) or 17.22 (Sat), arriving Lochinver 17.30 (Mon-Fri) or 18.15 (Sat). 

There is also a morning bus and a Friday evening bus. For more information on travel options see Traveline.

Getting here by car

Lochinver is roughly 100 miles north west of Inverness. It is easier driving to take the Ullapool road west and then north, with a good dual track (single-carriageway) road all the way. Satnavs sometimes suggest going north to Bonar Bridge and then west via Lairg, which involves considerably more hills and about 45 miles of single track road. Either route is a beautiful drive.

To find Glencanisp Lodge, drive into Lochinver and along the main street heading for the harbour. Just after the left-turn to Inver Lodge Hotel and immediately before the traffic light (yes, we have a pedestrian crossing!), turn left . If you get to the bank or the find yourself veering right to the harbour you've gone too far. Drive a mile-and-a-half up the road to Glencanisp Lodge, pressing on where you see the sign saying 'No Parking Beyond This Point' and over the next cattle grid, bear right in front of the house. You can park up by the front door to unload your luggage and there's a big car park further on behind the house towards the walled garden.

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