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This is a free Spanglefish 2 website.

Things You Need To Know

Changing Facilities - we are once again hugely indebted to Jenny at The Royal Hotel for allowing us to us the venue for changing!  There will be a male and female sectioned, WARM room carefully signed for any Splashers and Dashers who would like to use this facility.  Please be respectful and remember that the Hotel will be open for normal business!  Please also note that these are basic facilities and although manned, there are no toilets in the same section (hotel and public toilets very close by) and you leave belongings at your own risk.

Showers - there are none!! Unfortunately, we're unable to offer this particular facility so please bear this in mind when packing your things. 

Splashers - we recommend you wear shoes of some sort to run into the sea, ideally nothing too buoyant such as Crocs or flip flops but old trainers or anything that will stay on!  Don't forget to bring plenty of towels and warm gear to change into, PLUS a bin bag or something similar to put all your wet gear in.

Dashers - please try and remember to bring safety pins with you to attach your race number to your top although we will have a stash available at Registration if need be.

Toilets – again, thanks to The Royal Hotel, we have permission to use their Ladies and Gents ground floor toilets. There are also public loos just up the road from the event arena which will definitely be open for the duration of the event.  

Parking & Road Closure – there is plenty of free parking in the nearby streets, but the event arena at the bottom of Bank St, around the Harbour and along Marine Terrace to just past the Hotel, will be closed from 8am on the 1st January.

Food & Drink - a range of delicious hot and cold food and drink (everything from sit down meals to take-away bacon butties) will be available to purchase from The Royal Hotel.  A free hot toddy will be given to all successful Splashers, courtesy of The Royal Hotel.  There is also Sutor Creek, just around the corner for more delicious snack and meal options.

First Aid – hopefully we won’t need them but the Red Cross, based at The Royal Hotel, will be present should emergencies arise.

Cancellation/Bad Weather – as in year one, if the ground conditions are extremely icy, the organisers may take the decision to cancel the running elements of the event on the morning of the 1st Jan.  The ‘Splash’ into the sea will only be cancelled if the weather conditions are extreme, e.g. force 10 gale with snow!  We will endeavour to contact all Splashers by phone in this instance or call mobile number 07968 629612 if you are in any doubt.  This website will be kept as up to date as possible at all times as will the Facebook page (please 'like' us to be kept informed).

Rules & Regs – please read carefully the Conditions of Entry on the back of your Entry Form or on this site before signing up!  By signing the form or ticking the box online, you are agreeing to abide by these conditions.  Any participant who is found in breach of the Conditions of Entry will be excluded from this and future events.

Donations - You will have noticed that this fantastic event is still completely FREE to enter!  However, as we depend on sponsorship and lots of goodwill to keep it this way, we would ask you to drop a donation into one of the buckets when you register.  Please give generously - we hope you'll agree it's for a good cause!

VOLUNTEERS – the organisers of this event consist of a tiny group of enthusiastic local residents who enjoy creating this fun way of starting the year and as a spectacle and reason for the community to come together briefly at the start of the New Year.  We rely on help and assistance from others to pull it all together, so if you would like to be involved and can spare a bit of time on the day, we’d love to hear from you.  Please contact Georgia on 07968 629612


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