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Conditions of Entry

The Cromarty Splash & Dash is an event organised by local volunteers, under the umbrella of Cromarty & District Community Council.

We strive to organise safe and enjoyable events and hope that you will help us in achieving this. Any participant who is found in breach of these Conditions of Entry will be excluded from this and future events.

Please do not put yourself or someone else at risk.

  1. I agree to abide by these Conditions of Entry and any instructions given to me by the organisers and officials of the 2015 Cromarty Splash & Dash.
  2. I confirm that details provided in the Entry Form are true and accurate, and acknowledge that the event organiser relies upon these details in accepting my entry into the Cromarty Splash & Dash.
    [If the details included in the Entry Form change after you have submitted your Entry Form and prior to the event, you must notify the organiser at the Registration Desk on the day of the event prior to participation].
  3.  I am aware of the nature of the event and accept the associated medical and physical risks involved. I understand that participation in the event is physically strenuous and demanding. I am not suffering from any medical condition, illness or disability known to me that would prohibit my participation in the Cromarty Splash & Dash. [It is the responsibility of all participants to ensure they are medically fit to participate in the event].
  4. I agree to waive any and all right to claim against the event organiser for loss or damage arising out of my participation in the Cromarty Splash & Dash, or any associated individuals officiating or supervising the event.
  5. I accept that the swapping or transfer of Participant Entry Numbers is strictly prohibited.
    [Participant Entry Numbers will be issued at the Registration Desk on the day to those registering for either of the 'Dash' routes].
  6. Participants aged 10 years or under on the day of the event must be accompanied by an adult over the age of 16 years on the day of the event. Adults are only allowed to accompany one child participant.
  7. I accept the event organiser’s right to refuse entry into the Cromarty Splash & Dash, also to withdraw a participant from the event on the day for safety reasons or the proper enjoyment of the event by other participants or for any other reasonable reason.
  8. I give permission for the free use of my name, voice and/or image in any broadcast, telecast, photography, advertising, promotion or other account of this event.
  9. The event will only be cancelled or postponed due to unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances. The organiser shall not be liable in respect of any costs and expenses you may incur as a result of such cancellation or postponement.
  10. I accept that my details will be stored, used and disclosed by the Organiser only in connection with the organisation, promotion and administration of the event and for the compilation of statistical information. My details will also be added to the event mailing list for the promotion of future Cromarty Splash & Dash events.


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