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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 25/02/2025.







The focus of this group is to share the pleasure of learning and exploring all aspects relevant to the life and times of Richard III.

We welcome as members Ricardians who live within the area and those who are more distant but share our interests and approach.

We choose topics to explore and present each other with our findings at our monthly “at home” meetings. Everybody joins in with a little bit on some aspect of the topic and together they add up to interesting, informative meetings (and overdulgence in biscuits). Because of our  “DIY”, approach, we don't take a membership fee. Our papers and  monthly reports are circulated to all our members and can also be found on this website.

Members meet up between meetings (lunch usually features) and of course, we chat by email.

We also enjoy outings to places of interest, especially in the summer when we often meet up with members of neighbouring groups.

OUR LOGO:  The white boar of Richard III, above a garb (wheatsheaf) of Ranulph de Blundeville, earl of Chester, charged with a Stafford knot. The parhelion both represents the "electronic ether" and commemorates   our inaugural meeting held on 2nd February, the anniversary of the battle of Mortimer's Cross.

If you are interested in joining us, you will be made most welcome.

Please email, in the first instance to:







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