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PAPERBOY (Front Pages)
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January 2021
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Updated every Monday
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Links to all the UK local papers websites
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REUTERS - added to menu
What is our domain name worth?
In searching for a suitable domain name for this website, several were offered to us - see below for their asking price.
It is a fact that big money can be make from domain names and when a website with an invented name is developed it could be worth millions or even billions of pounds in time - remember GOOGLE.
So what is the potental value of this website? The answer is -
Not even Richard Murdoch could afford us - because we rate our value above that of money. We seek truth and honesty and we are putting that before anything else.
Editoral Note
We have chosen news websites where the commercial content is low or nil, as we firmly believe that readers do not want to be bombarded with adverts when looking for news. If any website goes beyond the limit it will be removed from our menu.
All information on this website is published in good faith.
No responsibility can be accepted for any errors or omissions that may occur from time to time, which will be rectified when the production team is made aware of them
News Oggle cannot be held responsible for any content of any third party websites or any advertisements placed on this website by the hosting service, which are not endorsed in anyway whatsoever.
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