Neath Library (pictured in our banner) - the source of books for loan and reference. This website - the means for residents to have their say about Neath and current affairs. |
Conditions and Confidentiality of use
The Neath Ferret (to whom this website is linked) looks out for problems in the community with the aim of bringing them to the attention of those in authority.
Readers are invited to express themselves on the understanding that they are responsible for what they write. They are requested to be respectful to others - who will be given the right to reply.
The Neath Ferret editor accepts no responsibility for readers letters and does not necessarily agree with their content - or the views expressed or implied as with any other item that appears on this website.
Items are published in good faith to uphold the freedom of expression that is based on the princple of free speech that we are so proud of in Britain.
We do not and will not devulge sources of information to anyone. We will not pass email addresses of writers on to third parties unless we have permission to do so. Sometimes this may be asked for in order to pursue a problem. Any suspected breach of confidentiality must be reported to us on our CONTACT US facility.
We reserve the right to reject letters that are racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive or otherwise objectionable, contain swear words or other language likely to offend, break the law, condone or encourage unlawful activity. This includes breach of copyright, defamation and contempt of court.
We must request that writers of letters give their name or some means of referring to them - as necessary when someone wants to reply to them. You have the right to remain anonymous but when there is more than one letter on the same same subject priority will be given to those giving their name.
Expressing a grievance about this website - or its content
Readers can write to us directly by using the CONTACT US form (see Menu). This facility is strictly for the Editor and comments and messages sent by this means will NOT be published - unless it is a news item that the writer wishes to be published.
Right to reply
Anyone has the right to reply to any letter on our READERS LETTER page and express their own views or make any correction that they think appropriate. This website encourages healthy discussions in a democratic society.
Putting matters right
We will endevour to correct errors that may occur from time to time - after we are made aware of them.
These are published in good faith on the basis that no rights or conditions have been imposed by the person taking the photograph. Any copyright, or subject matter issues will be between the photographer and the third party involved.
Delays in publication of letters
Letters are checked by a moderator and sometimes delays can occur before publication. Letters should be brief and to the point. The Editor reserves the right to edit letters and to shorten them if necessary - or delete them completely before or after publication.
Letters are published in the order that they are received.
Cookies and storage information
No information is stored on this website other than what you see. In other words - what you see is what you get.
The editorial team are not responsible for any advertisements put on this website by the hosting service and do not endorse them in any way what so ever.
Editorial Decisions
The editorial team will not enter into correspondence with any letter writer and will remain as detached as possible from any subject under discussion. The Editor's decision must be regarded as final.
All rights reserved.